Strategies for Writing a Literary Analysis Final Draft due next Monday, June 17
Organization How do I organize my literary analysis essay?
Organization Introduce the text you’re analyzing and state your thesis. Cite passages from the text, one by one, explaining how each one supports your thesis and your interpretation. Sum up your interpretation in light of your analysis. Answer the “so what” question. Document your sources.
Introduction How do I structure the introductory section of my paper?
Introduction They Say Describe the larger conversation in which your own claims are a part of. You don’t need to make a detailed list of everyone who has written on your subject before you offer your own ideas It is generally best to summarize the ideas you’re responding to briefly at the start of your essay. Give your readers a quick preview of what is motivating your argument.
Introduction Start out with what others are saying on your topic, but at the same time indicate something about the arguments of others that you are supporting, opposing, amending, complicating, or qualifying. A benefit to summarizing others’ views as soon as you can: you let others do some of the work of framing and clarifying the issues you’re writing about.
Body Paragraphs How do I go about supporting my thesis statement?
Example of Body Paragraph Topic: The speaker of Shelley’s poem presents bold assertions about the nature of our society. Introduce quote: In the opening lines of the poem, he warns the reader to “lift not the painted veil which those who live/ Call Life” (1-2). Interpretation: Here, the “painted veil” serves as a grim metaphor for life. More specifically, the speaker equates the veil with what people like to call life. Connection to thesis: In this sense, the speaker asserts that what we believe to be pure reality is actually nothing more than a covering that masks what really lies beneath. Truth is covered by a veil of falsehood that is made opaque with the paint of people’s lives.