Literature Paper 2: Unseen Poem Exam Practise L.O: To complete a guided exam response.
4 You will spend the first 15 minutes planning your answer. Please turn to section A question 1. Read the poem carefully and aim to get a sense of what it is ABOUT. Remember to pay attention to the title and to any additional information to give you clues to the context. Read the question and underline the key words. Return to the poem and write the key words next to it. Underline at least 5 words/phrases/whole lines that link to the ideas in the question.
3 STEP 1: Make notes on what the poem is ABOUT What is the PLOT? – is there a story or is it more thematic? Who are the CHARACTERS? – Who is the speaker? Are there other voices in the poem? Are other people talked about in the poem? How are these people presented? What are the key THEMES? (Pause)
3 STEP 2: What is the MESSAGE/MEANING of the poem? What are we supposed to have heard by the end? How might it shape our thinking? Challenge us? Inspire us? Consider CONTEXT here – when has it been written and to whom? This may be essential to establishing the meaning. You could comment on what it would mean to different audiences reading at different times and in different places if appropriate. Consider the setting that has been chosen for the text. (Pause)
1 STEP 3: What are the key FEELINGS in the poem? Jot them down, with any key words that show them clearly, or more subtly. (Pause)
2 STEP 4: Now consider LANGUAGE. Look at the parts of the poem already identified that link to the question. Highlight/circle the word choices that you could talk about – the ones where you could say what impact these words would have on the reader: how would they be encouraged to think or feel as a result of these words? (Pause) If you can identify any specific language features, such as adjectives, striking verbs, alliteration, imagery, label them now. Do not worry if you can’t as it is more important to explain the impact of choices than to label features. Annotate anything you find on the poem and jot down IMPACT. (Pause)
2 STEP 4: Look at the STRUCTURE of the poem. What is the title? What is the first line? What is the last line? Does anything change mid-way through the poem? What does it look like on the page? Are there any other specific structural features that you label because you understand the impact they are having in this poem? Find 2-3 things that have been done on purpose by the poet to shape readers’ responses at different points in the poem. (Pause while students do this)
1 STEP 5: Finally, jot down what strikes YOU about the poem. What is your RESPONSE? Try to find at least one thing that you think has been done well by the poet. (Pause)
Decide what order you will make your points in. (Pause) As a last step, jot down 5-8 evaluative word or phrases that you plan to use to comment on how well you think the writer has done. (Pause) Write up a response to the question using your notes. Remember to refer to the key words in the question throughout and to the writer’s choices and reader’s response. Try to sustain an evaluative approach. Complete question 1 in the remaining 30 minutes that you have left.