Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Financial Procedures Jane Lee Program Coordination Assistant SANREM CRSP The SANREM CRSP is made possible by the United States Agency for International Development and the generous support of the American people through Cooperative Agreement No. EPP-A
Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Financial Forms & Procedures
Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Financial Forms Budget Forms 1.Form A: when administer subs 2.Form B: when not administer subs - no indirect on HC budget for Lead Institutions -formulas on the form - use HC budget worksheet for HC subs 3.Budget narrative Annual Work Plan (F23) – for yr new funding Closing out forms 1.Final Invoice within 3 month of closing date 2. patent disclosure, equipment list
Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Invoices Required Monthly or quarterly invoicing Form 11A : US Universities –2 worksheets: summary & detail –Domestic sub & Int’l sub total should match on both –Int’l travel authorization # required –Spending by country on summary Itemize the countries benefitted by the expenditres Ex) int’l travel, equipment, supplies & materials, HC student tuition Form 11B : HC Subs –3 worksheets; detail, summary, equipment & int’l travel –Only fill in yellow cells in detail – sum will be calculated –Use local currency, enter ex rate, enter previous sum on detail –Use drop box for itemize expenditures –Need activity name for food chg, list items for supplies, traveler’s name & date for travel fee, name for personnel exp in English
Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech Scholar Site To manage HC subs invoices Each LTRA has one site - Lead PI (Organizer) can change all for his/her site -HC PI (Participant) can only change for his/her drop box & workspace -user id & password distributed from ‘postmaster’ - Invoice in Excel file, receipts in PDF file PI needs to review & approve each invoice
SANREM CRSP Shaping a sustainable future Creating, organizing, and disseminating knowledge that improves livelihoods through sustainable agriculture and natural resource management Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech