Collaborative Clinical Medicines Procurement Procurement & Distribution Interest Group Autumn Symposium: 11 th November 2010 Dr Anthony Grosso Formulary & Medicines Management Pharmacist
1.The past… 2.The present… 3.The future… 4.Key messages Getting value for money: Outline
The past: NHS Procurement - Proactive - Progressive - Savings ++ - Particularly effective for generic medicines
The past…NHS Clinical - Passive & reactive initially - Through collaboration: increased activity - Statin project: key milestone
Medicine savings pathway: example - Opportunity identified by procurement: PREDICTED price drop - Opportunity assessed by clinical - Jointly scoped estimated savings per scenario - Stakeholder consultation - Modifications - Barriers identified - Clinical evaluation - Implementation - Marketing & counter-marketing strategy employed - Tracking & continual management
The present… - Active collaboration between procurement & clinical - Opportunities identified by procurement – feasibility-tested and implementation led by clinical - Opportunities identified by clinical - forensic examination of individual drug use and discrete therapeutic pathways
Targets & Implementation - Allows for generation of multiple targets & savings ++ - Rank by level of saving vs. degree of effort - Austerity – aids implementation! - Proven track record e.g. Statins, ARBs, anti-TNFs, Growth Hormones, 5-ASAs, GCSFs, 5-HT3s etc…
The Future - Increased clinical input into procurement groups - Further adaptation required (White paper, PPRS, VBP, NICE/NPC)
Key messages: NHS - Clinical + procurement specialists: collaborate more closely to generate greater opportunities for saving money - Innovate: look beyond price differences e.g. homecare savings - Designate more time & resource to implementation activities - Share ideas among colleagues
Key messages: Pharma - Threats & opportunities - Must adapt accordingly - Collaborate with clinical-procurement groups - Develop innovative ideas that are mutually beneficial - Motivate decision-makers and influencers WITHIN the NHS to actively market your product for you!