δ 13 C/ 12 C measurements of particulate matter in Preila, Lithuania Andrius Garbaras Institute of Physics Vilnius, Lithuania 2008
Isotopic characterization of PM can play an important role in the individuation of primary and secondary sources and also in the determination of the natural/biogenic or anthropogenic/combustion contribution to the measured concentration
Stable isotopes in nature
Delta notation R – izotopic ratio, R PDB = 0, ± 0, Standart: C: PDB (PeeDee Belomnite)
PM characterisation by carbon isotope PM Characterization by Carbon Isotope C. Grassi, V. Campigli, L. Dallai, S. Nottoli, L. Tognotti, M. Guidi Cite abstract as Author(s) (2007), Title, European Aerosol Conference 2007, Salzburg, Abstract T15A011 In the background and suburban sites the δ13C sow a bigger variability than in the urban sites, and this could be well correlated with the constant emissions from traffic. In background sites variability is bigger and related to the changing in the contribution from natural, secondary and anthropogenic source emissions. Low volume sampler Quartz fibre filters 24h
13C/12C can be satisfactory indicator of the origin of the atmospheric carbon Aerosols are often a mixture and their apparent δ13C is dependent on the relative intensity of the contributing sources Industrial combustion or vegetation fire Marine source and natural continental sources
Widory, D. et al. (2004). Atmospheric Environment 38, 953–961. Carbon-isotope composition of aerosols can distinquish between diesel an fuel oil, and other sources 07/05 diesel contribution about 50%. But other identification is not possible through the sole use of stable carbon isotopes The use of isotopes for understanding airborne pollution sources is encouraging PM2.5 PM10 Paris
He CO2 Elemental analyser Isotopic ratio mass spectrometer
Elemental analyser to IRMS
Isotopic ratio mass spectrometer 12 C 16 O 16 O (m/z=44) 13 C 16 O 16 O (m/z=45)
Sampling: Sampling for 24 h Quartz fiber filters, preheated 600°C, 3hs PM 2.5 sampler, flow 2.3 m3/h Analysis: filter is cut to 1/6, put in to tin capsule and dropped to EA
Aerosol 13 C/ 12 C measurements
Black carbon
Take home messages carbon δ13C/12C ratio is indicator of different aerosol origin