Note Visualization pudu Carolyn Holmes Stefan Ekerfelt Ryan Whiteley
Our Project Build a prototype that: Works – we can demo it live with no hand- waving Visualizes Notes – shows notes at multiple levels of abstraction Has A Good UI – is usable, intuitive, and sensible
Value To The Customer Reduce effort to find information hidden within notes Search Automatic organization of notes – context derived from algorithmical analysis of understood note content Manual override of automatic analysis – to correct errors and preserve user control
Value To The Customer cont. Specific to Notes – not a general folder system Enough relevant detail to make navigation of notes intuitive Keeps it high level as long as possible Drills in quickly and appropriately
The Novelty It’s pretty It’s just for notes Effective workflow gained through simplicity and specificity It’s intuitive Shows the user what they need to know about their own notes
The Risks TIME – we might not finish Short-staffed Ambitious Design Risk Management Prioritization of goals 0: It works! 1: UI 2: Feature Completeness Search Abstraction Levels 3: Performance
Customers Hypothetical Primary: anyone in academia Profs, students (young and old), teachers, counselors Secondary: anyone else who uses notes Business environment, home use Actual Course staff
Personas Primary Anderson Sally the Student Typical busy UW student with a full schedule Pete the Professor Absent-minded professor Secondary Milly the Mom Household organization through notes Bob the Businessman Professional workflow, a doodler
Scenarios Exploit functionality we should have 12 total using all personas ex. Sally is getting ready to study for midterms and wants to browse all her notes from Chem 142 for this quarter Scenarios should never be leading Design accommodates scenarios, not the other way around
Level 1: Category View
Level 2: Thumbnail View
Level 3: Note View