Essential Questions: How has physical geography affected where people have settled in Europe? Learning Target: IWBAT explain how the economy of Europe is unique. Formative Assessment(s): Where does Europe make most of its money?
BELLWORK What kind of jobs do you think most Europeans have?
FUN FACTS ABOUT HIGH SPEED TRAINS The trains normally travel at speeds between 170 mph and 200 mph If you’re interested in buying a Eurailpass which allows you unlimited travel over a 2 week period, it’s better to buy this in your country as it will be 30% cheaper than buying it in France. The Eurailpass is designed specifically for non Europeans so EU nationals cannot buy it.
CLASSWORK In groups of 2-4, read about Economic Activity on page Write and answer the following questions in your notes: 1.Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? 2.What products are produced in “light industry”? 3.What are the three largest service industries in Europe? 4.What agricultural crops are grown in Europe? (There are 9) 5.What are farm cooperatives? 6.What funny sounding disease broke out in the UK in 2001?
CLASSWORK In groups of 2-4, read about Transportation and Communications on pages Write and answer the following questions in your notes: 1.What countries have high speed trains? 2.What is the name of Germany’s super highway? 3.Where is the world’s largest port? 4.What are four ways European phone systems are connected?
FUN FACTS ABOUT THE AUTOBAHN There are speed limits. It’s a myth that you can drive 200 mph with impunity. Instead signs “suggest” a recommended limit of 80 mph on most sections of the highway. The left lane on the Autobahn is the passing lane. Period. A big reason the Autobahn works in Germany is because people religiously obey the lane rules; you keep as far to the right as possible, and use left lanes for passing ONLY.” The Autobahn speed record was set on January 8th, 1938, and has never been broken. Rudolf Caracciola, a Grand Prix vet and Formula One racer, set the Autobahn’s current speed record of 268.9mph.
CLASSWORK In groups of 2-4, read about Trade and Interdependence on pages Write and answer the following questions in your notes: 1.Which countries joined the European Economic Community in 1957? 2.What was the purpose of the European Union? 3.Does the EU have a constitution? Why or why not? 4.What benefits did communism provide to Eastern Europe?
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Where does Europe make most of its money? –What does it sell? –What does it produce? –What kind of jobs do people have?