29.3: The Struggle Continues
Civil Rights Groups SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference; protestors; taught Civil Rights workers how to protect themselves against violence NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; focused on integrating public schools (Brown v. Board) SNCC: Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee; participated in Sit-ins CORE: Congress of Racial Equality; organized the Freedom Rides
Definitions: The Voting Rights Act of 1965: gave federal government power to force local officials to allow African Americans to register to vote Black Power: philosophy of racial pride that said Af. Am. should create their own culture and political institutions (NOT integration!!!); goes AGAINST MLK’s ideas
Definitions: Black Panther Party: group of young radicals who demanded reforms and armed themselves with opposition to the police (used violence—again, against MLK’s ideas) Watts Riots: first major urban (LA) racial riots in summer 1965; 34 died and many buildings burnt down—against MLK’s ideas Activist: Someone who influences others to participate in a cause or an event
People: Malcolm X: leader in the Nation of Islam (for Black Muslims) –Criticized integration: best way for Af. Am. to achieve justice was to separate themselves from whites Stokely Carmichael: leader of SNCC; promoted the idea of “Black Power”
How did their ideas differ from Dr. Martin Luther King’s? King = integration Malcolm X and Carmichael = segregation or “Back to Africa” movement