By: Katie Cullimore SST
5 – U1.3.2 Describe the life and cultural development of people living in western Africa before the 16 th century with respect to economic (the ways people made a living) and family structures, and the growth of states, towns, and trade. (National Geography Standard 10, p. 162)
Nigerian Girl & Ghanaian Boy
ROADS across Michigan Culture Kits: African History and Cultures Grades K-5 Kit 1 African-American Heritage Grades K-8 Kit 2 Books, Booklets, and Brochures Cultural Artifacts Maps, Posters, and Photos
Amazing Africa Project You Can Build Yourself By: Carla Mooney and Illustrated By: Megan Sterns Activity Book for Classical Africa By: Molefi Kete Asante
Through African Eyes Volume 1: The Past, The Road to Independence By: Leon E. Clark Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions By: Margaret Musgrove Illustrated By: Leo Dillon & Diane Dillon
Geography Alive! Regions & People By: Bert Bower, Jim Lobdell, & Diane Hart Our World (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) By: James A. Banks, Richard G. Boehm, Kevin P. Colleary
Major African kingdoms and empires before the 16 th century in respect to their growth and expansion. Graphic organizers & other interactive activities Ancient Maps of Africa lum/m7a/activity3.php lum/m7a/activity3.php Ancient Africa for Kids and for Teachers Lesson Plans, games, fables, clip art, power points
African American History Teaching and Learning Modules: Ancient West African History Modules, Teaching Guides, Interactive Resources
Africa By: Obi Onyenwe Africa the motherland NATION Africa the land of my forefather Africa the land of my great ancestor once roamed Africa the land of many communities Africa the land of my birthplace Africa the second largest continent on EARTH Africa the land which everybody imitates Africa the land which everyone talks about Africa the land which everyone is jealous about Africa the land that brings beauty in all of us Africa the land of great leadership Africa the land of great powers Africa the land of bright futures Africa the land of great traditions Africa the land of good food Africa the land of vast populations Africa the land real precious diamonds Africa the land of UNITY Africa the land of hard working people Africa the land that lord gave to us Africa the land the land that i love Africa the land that i will SOON return to
Ceremonies/Dance, Music, and Songs from Ancient Ghana (11 Tracks) om/albums/ghana- ancient-ceremonies- dance-music-songs om/albums/ghana- ancient-ceremonies- dance-music-songs
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