Talk and Listen to Those Who Can Help Writing and Presenting a Business Plan Chapter 5
Presentation Do’s Personalize your remarks to audience members with anecdotes Organize your remarks with an agenda Be considerate of time constraints Create a lasting first impression Use strong opening and closing statements Provide strong content Avoid ambiguity
Presentation Do’s Link to Website, if you have one Bring and show prototype, if you have one Show video of product/service in action Create animation to show how product works Exude enthusiasm and confidence Prepare long and hard for Q&A
Presentation Don’ts Avoid short-sighted assumptions, as they lead to faulty conclusions Don’t be a prisoner to your slides – they exist to support you, not the other way around Don’t undermine your superior knowledge of your company, product, or service Don’t use your slides as notes Don’t look at the projector
Presentation Don’ts Avoid slide clutter Don’t just read your slides – interpret them Don’t worry if your presentation doesn’t turn out the same way every time Don’t forget that your audience is most interested in getting to know you, not looking at your slides
Five Breath Test What is your idea? Who needs it, and why? Why choose you, or this company? Why now? How will this company and its investors make money?