Washington FCCLA
Financial Fitness is an FCCLA National Program that teaches youth how to save, spend and make money!
With Financial Fitness, youth can plan and carry out projects that help them become wise financial managers and consumers!
Inform and inspire teens to sharpen their skills in money management, consumerism, and financial planning. Create a national network of young people who use teen-to-teen communications to share information. Provide teenagers with an opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills by being peer educators.
Banking Basics - Conquer bank accounts, credit, and investments Cash Control - Track and plan personal spending Making Money - Sharpen on-the-job financial fitness Consumer Clout - Become a savvy spender Financing Your Future - Apply financial skills to real life.
National Recognition (At National Leadership Conference, online and in Teen Times!) Cash award of… o High School Award - $1,000 o Middle School Award - $1,000 o Runner-Up Award - $500
Online to national headquarters! Check the national website for more information!
High School Winner Riverview High School FCCLA, Washington Middle School Winner Wilson Middle School FCCLA, Virginia Runner-Up Winner Strasburg High School FCCLA, Virginia Congratulations 2015 Winners!
Thank you all for watching my PowerPoint on Financial Fitness! Wishing you all a wonderful Fall Regional Meeting and school year filled with lots of FCCLA! I hope to see all of your chapters participating in the amazing FCCLA National Program, Financial Fitness o Your 2015 Vice President of Finances, Bailey Powers