The HiRadMat Facility Outline Location Status WANF dismantling Beam line Experimental area Schedule Project management S. Evrard – EN/MEF EDMS No:
Scientific scope 2 Study the impact of intense pulsed beams on materials Thermal management (heating) material damage even below melting point material vaporization (extreme conditions) Radiation damage to materials – change of properties Thermal shock - beam induced pressure waves Test bed, important for the design validation of LHC near-beam components before installation in the machine Requires LHC-type SPS beam (450 GeV/c) from pilot to 288 nominal bunches Foreseen clients : LHC collimators, protection devices, machine components, R&D material studies (bulk, superconductors), high- power targetry, test of vacuum components (beam windows, coating), … Cross-check beam damage simulation tools (calculation/real world) Essential purpose
HiRadMat location 3 S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 HiRadMat shares the same extraction from SPS as the TI2 line to LHC The experimental area will be upstream the old T9 target for the West Area Neutrino Facility - WANF
HiRadMat location 4 Overall view S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 TT61 (to former West Area) TNC (former West Area Neutrino factory WANF) TCC6)
HiRadMat location 5 New beam TT66 line S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 TT66 new line TI2 LHC Access to HiRadMat intrinsically linked to LHC (injection)
S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Experimental area -TNC Cooling area for tested equipments Temporary storage for Cu blocks B.846 escape shaft Experimental area
S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July T9 modified in TED beam dump 3 test stands Secondary dumps Big thank to DC and INT sections
HiRadMat Status 8 ‣ WANF dismantling completed ‣ 95t of waste, 323 m3 ‣ 800t of blocks moved around ‣ Beam line (TT66) installation completed ‣ 25 magnets, 13 power converters ‣ 17 beam instrumentation elements ‣ 200m of new vacuum, + TI2 vacuum adaptation ‣ 460 new cables, 4 km, 300 old cables removed ‣ Dry run completed in April and Low Intensity beam commissioning in June ‣ Experimental area about completion ‣ Beam dump installed ‣ Tables for experiments installed and tested. ‣ Preliminary ventilation system working, final one completed by week 32 ‣ RAMSES monitoring partly commissioned, completed by week 32 ‣ Location for control room in BA7 defined, need to be equipped and cabled July 15 th S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011
9 WANF dismantling: dedicated handling means Hot objects & high remnant radiation dose Remote handling tools Cameras on renovated crane and in TNC Automatic hook for standard blocks Shielded fork lift Several custom-made hooks & lifting beams Shielding during intervention & transport HiRadMat Status S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011
10 T1 removal September 2009 January 2011 February 2011 Example: Dismantling T1 target station & MTR magnets10 HiRadMat Status S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011
11 T9 downstream collimator dismantling in pictures Lifting test before closing roof Placing block in container Separating blocks 2 1 Fixing plates on lower blocks Moving upper blocks with fixed lifting plates Blocks in temporary storage location Sarcophagus with containers ready HiRadMat Status Courtesy of Ans Pardons S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011
S. Evrard - IEFC Feb.11,2011 Activated material management 12 Activated material is treated in several steps: 1.Rough cleaning in WANF (specialized company ENDEL Nucléaire) 2.Removal from WANF TT61 TT4 3.In TT4: thorough decontamination and disassembling 4.Volume reduction in RP waste workshop in building Convenient conditioning for long term storage 6.Long term storage in ISR Volume reduction x 10 Contaminated objects: Adapted closed containers Long term storage ISR WANF TT4 ISR 573 BA7 Disposal path HiRadMat Status
13 October 2009 HiRadMat Status S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011
14 June 2011 HiRadMat Status S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011
HiRadMat status S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Dose recording From paper to nowadays technologies DMC automatic readers being developed by DGS/RP (P. Carbonnez) Access point reader and stand alone reader (RP technician) Better DIMR follow-up (task based records) RP database updated on-line Acceptance tests in progress, pilot tests on Isolde, HiRadMat as first client in 2012 ! Operation in high radiation areas: ways of improvements
HiRadMat status S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Teledosimetry RP technician could monitor 8 persons at the same time On-site test last Monday Improve telecom in underground areas Operation in high radiation areas: ways of improvements
HiRadMat status S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Robotics and augmented reality systems Sensoric Arm Master Exoskeleton with force feedback (Space Applications) Robot (ABB- Frida) Augmented reality systems (Space Applications) Operation in high radiation areas: ways of improvements
18 vital to check beam line components, instrumentation and optics Low Intensity beam commissioning Wed. 22 June. First pilot sent reached the end of the beam line: Energy matching and trajectory correction performed; Check of: Beam instrumentation response Logging Aperture measurement Optics change Radiation monitor response S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 Courtesy of Malika Meddahi HiRadMat Status
S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Low Intensity beam commissioning: orthogonal steering The beam was steered independently in both planes within the range +/- 4 mm, as specified in the HiRadMat specs. (last BTV screen) Courtesy of Malika Meddahi HiRadMat Status
S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Low Intensity beam commissioning: radiation monitor response Readings (Sv/h) of the residual dose rate monitor PMIHR05 installed next to the dump in the HiRadMat experimental. Courtesy of Malika Meddahi HiRadMat Status
21 Experimental area S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 HiRadMat Status
22 Experimental area S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 HiRadMat Status A big thank to SI and ABA sections 3 positions are foreseen for the test object ) Base tables carry services (water, signal, power) Base tables are fixed to tunnel floor and aligned w.r.t. beam Test object will be on a “mobile” table that connects to the base Courtesy of Ans Pardons
23 Experimental area: Plug-in test S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 HiRadMat Status Tested equipment will be remotely handled Training is required as the area is accessible
S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Experimental area: life cycle of an experiment HiRadMat Status Courtesy of Ilias Efthymiopoulos
Schedule 25 From project to operation phase S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011 Courtesy of Ilias Efthymiopoulos A big thank to LPC and LE sections
Project management S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July Structure
Project Management S. Evrard - IEFC Workshop Feb.11,2010 Project budget 27 The HiRadMat project is important for LHC, and should take the priority it deserves with respect to other activities A&T sector based project : BE: ABP, ASR, BI, CO, OP EN: CV, EL, HE, MEF, MME, STI TE: ABT, EPC, MPE, MSC, VSC And DGS/RP, DGS/SEE, GS/ASE, GS/SEM, IT/CS 6.9 MCHF and 26 FTE’s over 2010, 2011 and 2012 Commitment and Communication are the keys to success
28 S. Evrard – MEF Group Meeting, 15 July 2011