Using Webinars to Support Highly-Effective Training Rotary Zones 24 & 32 Gayle Knepper PDG Rotary D5010
Poll Question
Topics for Discussion Why & when to use webinars in your training toolkit What makes an effective webinar? Integrating webinars into your overall training plan The technology backbone of a webinar
Your Training Plan Elements for Decision Topics Delivery options Learning methodology Logistics
Your Training Topic Elements to Plan Target Outcome(s) Learning Objectives Effectiveness - Content - Delivery - Engagement
Webinars in the Toolkit Thinking about your own district When might a webinar be used? When would a webinar be preferred?
Webinars in the Toolkit How can webinars make your training more effective? When is “in-person” training still best?
Attributes of an Effective Webinar Motivating/Engaging Delivers the message effectively Participatory Captures/retains interest Visually appealing
Attributes of an Effective Webinar Connects participants with the trainers and each other Creates action Manages technology
What Is Needed? A presentation team Lead time for development/rehearsal/sign ups Script Technology Practice Promotion
Best Practices One hour maximum 4 to 5 poll questions or activities Visuals tell a story Guest speakers Generate questions/comments/discussion by chat
Best Practices Effective, repeated promotion Time for Q & A and/or discussion Incorporate resources & next steps Post the recording & resources Follow up by & other methods
Building the Webinar: Sample Elements
Today’s Facilitators Zone 24 West Gayle Knepper Dave Stambaugh District 5010District 5050 Jackie HobalDenis Boyd District 5370District 5050
New Membership Options: The Benefits Denis Boyd PDG District 5050 Rotary Zone 24 West
Growing Rotary: Hold 2 Weekly Meetings
Go to Meeting Hints ” Type questions & comments in “Chat” Go to Webinar Tips
Poll Question
District Support What is one action your district can take to support member engagement in your clubs? (Type your ideas into the “Chat Box”) Let’s Discuss
Creating Focus & Action Visibility - Communicate - Report - Follow up Expect, Inspect & Recognize
Components of Engagement Three key elements Two-way role Who takes the lead? Personal involvement: Service, Fellowship and other Activities Ongoing learning & education Club’s engagement with the member: Continued, active outreach
Associate Membership Adapted to club & community needs “Snowbird” membership
Promote with Impact
Tools Vibrant Club Assessment
Resources Be A Vibrant Club (pub 245) ShopRotary
Tools & Resource Site
Getting Started The Technology Go to Meeting/Go to Webinar/Go to Training or similar Meeting – 5 to 100 persons Webinar – 100 to 1000 persons Training – 25 to 200 persons + different capabilities
Getting Started The Technology Go to Meeting/Go to Webinar/Go to Training or similar Meeting – $468/year Webinar – $1068/year Training – $1308/year + different capabilities; varying number attendees
Resource Site
Find & Share Ideas
Topic & Webinar Resources Jackie HobalLynda Ryder Karien Ziegler Zone 24W Zone 24E Zone 32 Zone 24/32 Coordinator Team Members
Thank you for your participation!
Gayle Knepper PDG District 5010