Decision Making and Choices GOAL SETTING
Goal Setting A Goal is: The purpose toward which efforts are directed. Goals help one to strive to achieve something. Goals may present challenges. The most important purposes of goal setting are that goals: Guide and direct behavior Provide clarity Provide challenges and standards Reflects what is considered important Helps to improve performance Increase the motivation to achieve Improves self confidence and helps decrease a negative atiittude.
Goal Setting Model There are several types of goal setting models to use when setting goals. We will review the SMART guidelines to help set effective goals. S – Specific M – Measureable A – Action Oriented R – Realistic T - Timely
Goal Setting Short Term Goals These are goals that you will achieve in the near future (in a day, within a week, or possibly within a few months). Long term Goals These are goals that you will achieve over a longer period of time (one semester, one year, five years, or twenty years).
The “8 Step Decision Making Model” When making decisions it is important to acknowledge the responsibilities that go along with the decision making process. Eight Steps in Making a Decision include: State the problem Gather information about the problem List pros and cons of the problem Develop alternatives Analyze Solutions Select an Alternative Implement the alternative Evaluate end results of decision made
3 Types of Decision Making Styles Inactive, Reactive and Proactive An inactive decision maker is someone who fails to make choices A reactive decision maker is someone who allows peers, siblings, parents to make the decision for them. A proactive decision maker is someone who follows the 8 steps of decision making and assumes responsibility for the consequences.