European Nations Settle North America Chapter 4 Section 2
I.Competing Claims in North America A.Explorers Establish New France 1.Giovanni da Verrazzano sailed for the French looking for a sea route to the Pacific but instead found New York Harbor.
A.Explorers Establish New France 2. Jacques Cartier reached the eastern coast of Canada & claimed Montreal for France 3. Samuel de Champlain sailed up the St. Lawrence with 32 colonists and established Quebec: this became the base of France’s colonial empire known as New France
I.Competing Claims in North America B. A Trading Empire 1. France’s North American Empire was immense but the colonist population was sparse
B. A Trading Empire 2. Most colonists did not want to establish roots; were only interested in making money in the fur trade. The opposite of the English goals
II. The English Arrive in North America A. The Settlement of Jamestown 1. French and the Spanish inspired King James to found a colony in the New World 2. Named after the king the settlement was a disaster; 7 out of 10 people died of hunger, disease, or battles with Natives
A. The Settlement of Jamestown 3. Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement after farmers discovered the cash crop tobacco
II. The English Arrive in North America B. Puritans create a “New England” a group called the Pilgrims founded a second colony in Plymouth.
B. Puritans create a “New England” 2. They came to the Americas to escape religious persecution in England 3. The Puritans arrived searching for more religious freedom and they established a colony at nearby Massachussetts Bay
C. The Dutch Found New Netherlands 1.The Dutch with the help of Henry Hudson discover and claim the regions surrounding the Hudson River waterways; they also built trading posts to trade with the Iroquois Indians; the fur trade was the economic prize
D. Colonizing the Caribbean 1. The Dutch, English, & French all staked claims throughout all of the islands 2. Built cotton & sugar plantations with the help of slave labor; financially successful
III. The Struggle for North America A. The English Oust the Dutch 1. The Duke of York expelled the Dutch from New Amsterdam & renamed it New York
III. The Struggle for North America B. England Battles France 1. England’s desire for more land led to the clashing of the two empires
III. The Struggle for North America B. England Battles France 2. Disputes over land in the Ohio Valley led to war called the French and Indian War 3. British colonists, with help of the British army, were able to defeat the French in 1763