Aid Management Platform (AMP) Advanced User Training, Module 1B The AMP Desktop Monrovia, February 2009
Topics Covered How do you access/login to AMP? What do you see when you login? How do you switch languages? What is a workspace? What are desktop tabs?
Accessing AMP Amp can be accessed through: 3. Once the registration form is submitted, contact your AMP Administrator, who will then assign you to a team 4. Once you have been assigned a team, you may login to AMP as a registered user 1. Click N EW U SER R EGISTRATION 2. Fill out registration information (* = required fields) and click Submit
Logging In Register as user : domian Create a password
Teams and Roles Different teams can be setup within AMP –By Division (for example, an Education team) –By MDA –By donor agency Each team has its own “workspace” Workspaces can be configured according to the team’s preferences Different users within the team have different roles: Team Leaders Manage access to the team Configure team settings Approve data changes Publish public reports Team Members Enter data Manage projects Create reports Assess project/program impact
Workspace and Validation Workflow Belgium EU UNDP Canada MultilateralBilateral Desk officers Others Department head Zanzibar Department head National Workspace Validated data * Executing, Related, funding, implementing Agency ** ** Government of Zanzibar **
Languages AMP is currently available in English and French Other can be added by government users for Tanzania Toggle between languages in the upper-right corner of AMP Each user can specify a language preference
When you login, you are in the Aid Information Module The AMP Desktop Tabs Main Menu
You can filter by different criteria—for example, to only show active projects The AMP Desktop (cont.) Click + to expand and see activities sort by donor, status, etc.
Click on a column heading to sort by that column The AMP Desktop (cont.) Click here to sort by Project Title