Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert Einstein
What is revision Definition: Re – vision.... Means taking a second look at something. Education is _____ remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. WHO ?
Why Revise ? To help you retain what you have learnt. To re-learn anything you may have forgotten. To make sure you learn / cover anything you may have missed due to a day off sick. ________ is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert Einstein
Why do we forget? Interference Theory. Cue dependency. Failure to store Theory. Decay Theory. Education is what ______ after ____ has forgotten what one has learned in school. ______ Einstein
Education __ what ______ after ___ has _______ what one has learned in school.
Learning and Memory Linking your learning – You must understand the topic. – Ask questions – it helps. – Get some context; When did it happen? (Know the time line) Why did it happen? What changed as a result? Education __ what ______ after one has _______ what one __ learned __ school.
Learning and Memory 2 Commit to Memory – Re-visit it – Teach it – Write it – Read about it – Listen to it – Watch it – Discuss it ________ is what remains _____ one has forgotten ____ one ___ ______ in ______. Albert _______
Techniques to engage your memory Team Up – Discuss it – Work together – Present what you know Flash Cards – Short snappy summaries – Learn in small chunks – Get someone to test you ________ is ____ remains _____ one ___ forgotten ___ one ___ learned __ school. ______ Einstein
Techniques to engage your memory 2 Learning Journals – Write a summary of a lesson or a topic in your own words. – This can be in any order. – It could be from a different point of view. Visual approaches Try to think of a really memorable event. How would you describe it to someone else? The chances are your description might include a lot of sensory information – sounds, smells, tastes even, but probably you will mostly describe what you saw. Now think about that piece of Shakespeare or that quote you have to learn for History – imagine you were there.... ________ __ ____ _______ after one ___ _________ ___ one ___ learned __ school. A_____ E______
Techniques to engage your memory 3 Mind Maps – Summarise a topic – Include all key points – Link ideas together – Make it visual – Don’t spend too long on these. ________ is ____ remains _____ one ___ forgotten ___ one ___ learned __ school. ______ Einstein
Techniques to engage your memory 4 Dynamic Display – Big Posters – Display prominently – Display in places you have to go to a lot... – Add to it as you go along – Use Prezi or Powerpoint to help ________ is ____ _______ _____ one ___ forgotten ___ ___ ___ learned __ school. ______ _______
Total Recall Pop Quiz Past Papers Upgrading answers If this is the answer... Open Book What remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school?
Regular Returns Lots of flash cards in a draw and a lovely poster gathering dust under your bed will not work ! You have to keep going back and looking again. Education is ?
Learn it R1 R2 R3 Learn it R1 R2 R3 Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert Einstein
Assess yourself Traffic light each topic Have someone else grade you. Education is ?
Your Plan What do you need to revise? What are the test requirements? When are the assessments? YOU MUST BUILD A TIME TABLE. What revision strategies work for you? Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein
What to revise? Make a list of what you have to revise for each topic. Any areas that you know well and require little or no study, Highlight Green or Amber as appropriate. Topics that need a lot of revision, Highlight Red. Allocate more time to topics that need more revision. Education __ ____ _______ _____ ___ has forgotten ____ ___ ___ _______ __ school. ________
Have Goals? Having goals makes us more productive. Know what you need to do – then get on with it. E.g. – I will have made a poster of all the area and volume formulae by 2:00pm. – I will have revised “Community Cohesion” by 3:30pm and prepared a set of Flash Cards to test myself with. E_______ i_ w___ r_____ a___ o__ h__ f______ w___ o__ h__ l_____ i_ s____. A_____ E______A_____ E______
Have Goals? Having goals makes us more productive. Know what you need to do – then get on with it. E.g. – I will have made a poster of all the area and volume formulae by 2:00pm. – I will have revised “Community Cohesion” by 3:30pm and prepared a set of Flash Cards to test myself with. Education is...
Making a revision Timetable Invest some time in your plan. Decide where you will revise. Plan time for exercise and sleep. This is important. Time spent; – Weekdays – 1 session of 2 – 3 hours per night – Weekends – 4 sessions of 2 – 3 hours per day plus 1 session of 2 hours on ONE evening.
When to revise what Research shows – We revise better in the morning. – The brain needs rest – take regular breaks. – In your breaks – do not think deeply about things. – Eat well but not too much. – Mixed sessions of “Committing, Practising and Recalling” – Tick off what you have done. – RAG / assess what you have learned. – Reward yourself. – Take exercise. Education is...
Stratgegies Down time. Frequent short breaks – don’t work continuously for more than 1 hour. Mix it up – mix the difficult bits with some easy revision. You’ll feel better. Use on-line resources such as Bitesize, but don’t expect it to do the work for you.
Know the format Past Papers are essential. Practise, Practise, Practise... Know the format; – Essay – Multiple choice – Short answer – Calc or Non Calc Specialist language e.g. – “Justify”, “explore”, “evaluate”, “show that”,... A famous scientist wrote what he thought education was. Who was he and what did he say?