Learning the Basics of ArcMap 3.3 Updated 4/27/2010 Using Arc/View pt. 1 1
Tools used in Week 3 1. Starting ArcMap 2. Data View window & Table of Contents (TOC) 3. Loading Layers of Data(also called Themes or Shape files) into TOC 4. Zooming & Panning 5. Adjusting Colors for Lines 6. Layout window: Title, Legend, North Arrow, Metadata 7.Adjusting colors for polygons 8.Order for printing Using Arc/View pt. 1 2
1. Starting Arc Map
Accept Default of Empty Map
This window is called the Table of Contents (TOC) Where your data layers are accessed This is the Data View Window where you cartographic results will appear
Roles of Table of Contents
Top Tool Bar & Menu Tabs Middle Tool Bar Bottom Tool Bar
Adding Data to your GIS project: With Layers (Data Frame) highlighted click on Black Cross to Add Data This window is called the Table of Contents (TOC) Where your data layers are accessed This is the Data View Window where you cartographic results will appear
We will start with a very, very simple data set on the J drive under j:/Saldata/Envs221 /Data GIS Assignment
After navigating to J:/saldata/Envs221/Data GIS assignment using your Shift Key and mouse highlight the following three data layers (also called shape files): cities, fishhab, & hydr100k Finally hit the Add button
Accept the defaults and the data layers will appear in the Table of Contents (TOC) To activate these in your View window you must click the check boxes to turn on the data, the colors that result are random and arbitrary
Now we need to learn how to zoom in on the image and change the colors to a combination that makes better sense. Zoom in and out with click and drag capabilities Simple Zoom in and out to image center Pan Full Extent zoom key Experiment with each until you are comfortable
Zoom Keys might have been placed on the divider between the data layers and display window or can be accessed by using the right mouse button when in the View window, each may be slightly different we will use the right click ones first.
After you have zoomed in and out a bit the following two buttons are also available Go back an extent (one step back) Go forward one extent Experiment with these
Sometimes the Tools instead of being between the two windows they will just be “floating” around in the View window
Highlight the layer that you want to work with
Right click on the layer then scroll down and click on Properties
From the Layer Properties window that opens click on the Symbology tab then click on Symbol button
This then opens Symbol Selector which has too many choices, but we will only change the color.
Change the Hydrology to blue and also set the width to 2, hit OK to close the Symbol Selector
Looks nice! But now let’s work on the Fish Habitat layer. Start by highlighting FISHHAB and again go the th symbol selector
A faster way to get to the Symbol Selector is to click on the symbol immediately below a file name like FISHHAB
6. We have been working in the “Data View” now move into the “Layout View”
This is the Layout View this is where the final output (map) is built
From the above menu list we can add details to our map
Title in, change its size by adjusting the Font size of the text
Building the Legend
Legend inserted
Putting in Meta data Under Insert tab select Text a box will appear towards the center of your map, at this point start typing Putting in Meta data Under Insert tab select Text a box will appear towards the center of your map, at this point start typing
Double click in this box to open a text window to type correct data and set font size and style
Moving Back into the Data View
Data View
Using the mouse buttons we are going to adjust our cities display, click on Properties
Highlight CITIES and open Properties
Right now we have a Single symbol for all cities we will change this
Click on Categories then Unique value
In the Value Field pick window scroll through the attributes to JURISDICT
Then turn off the (all other values) and click Add All Values
Click OK
Looks Good each city has a separate and Unique Color
Now let’s return to the Properties and see how to make things transparent
Again make sure that you have Unique Value & JURISDICT, unselect (all other values), Click on APPLY to make sure all is as it should be then choose the Display Tab
Again make sure that you have Unique Value & JURISDICT, and unselect (all other values), Click on APPLY to make sure all is as it should be then choose the Display Tab
Under the Display tab find the Transparent window. Currently it is 0% or no transparency. We will change this to 50%
Make the change then click OK
Now move CITIES to the top of the TOC so it draws first and notice how we can “see through” the cities boundaries – however this still needs some more work
Some results on the final Layout Map
Now lets add some Labels or Names. Under the Lables tab Click on “label features in this layer” Now lets add some Labels or Names. Under the Lables tab Click on “label features in this layer”
The jurisdictions labels should appear…