Five Themes of Geography
Location Absolute Location: a specific location, like the coordinates of a map using longitude and latitude Relative Location: a relative location, like “next-door”, “nearby”, “close to the fire station” etc.
Place Place: an area that is defined by everything in it. They have “personality” that distinguishes them from other places. - An example would be “Kentlake HS” which would include the entire culture of the school, all of the stuff in the school, all of the people in the school, etc.
Region Region: an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. - The characteristics can be physical (rainforests), natural (the Cascades), human (the mall), or cultural (the “South”)
Human-Environment Interaction Human-Environment Interactions: the relationships between people and their environment - For example, how the environment is changed (i.e. use a dam to harness water)
Movement Movement: the way people, products, information, and ideas move from one place to another
Assignment: Relate all Five Themes of Geography to your hometown (Covington, Kent, etc.) 1.What is the absolute location of your hometown? 2. What is the relative location of your hometown? 3. Describe your hometown in terms of place. 4. What are two regions your hometown is part of? 5. What is one specific way human-environment interactions have impacted your hometown? 6. What is one specific way movement works in your hometown?