HADES By Cullen Waller
Hades… Greek god of the underworld The son of Rhea and Cronos Born on the Island of Crete He rode in a black chariot pulled by four black horses.
HADES… He had two younger brothers, Zeus and Poseidon. His father, Cronos, swallowed him when he was born and his brother, Zeus, rescued him !
HADES Romans called him Pluto. He owned the helmet of invisibility, which made whoever wore it become invisible. The name Hades means the “Invisible” or the “Unseen”.
HADES… Hades’ wife, Persephone, had to spend part of the year with him, part with Zeus, and part with her mother.
CERBERUS He had a three headed dog named Cerberus.
HADES… Hades and his brothers defeated the titans and ruled the universe. He was very rich with gold, silver, and lots of jewels.
BIBLIOGRAPHY World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 9, pg.4.