Throughout the Bible there are stories that immediately conjure up images when you hear the story. Stories like the parting of the red sea, David and Goliath, sacrifice of Isaac, and the collapse of the walls of Jericho. Yet there are two scenes in the Bible that depict God’s judgment of scene that bring to your mind’s eye the severity of God’s wrath and the thoroughness of God’s justice and those two scenes are the cross where the sins of the world where laid upon Jesus the Christ and the Great White throne judgment where the sins of each unrepentant man will be tried and judged. I ask you this morning to visit the text of Revelation 20 and envision with me the scene of divine judgment that is painted by John the apostle.
An AWESOME and GLORIOUS Scene (11) A THOROUGH and JUST Scene (12-13) A FINAL and HOPELESS Scene (14-15) A SAD and REGRETTABLE Scene (15; 21:1)
This scene of judgment found in Revelation 20 is followed by a glorious scene of eternal reward and perfection; eternity with the God of the universe! What a contrast, divine judgment and divine reward; an eternity in the lake of fire or an eternity in the new heaven and new earth, an eternity of torment with Satan and his angels or an eternity with God and His angels.. This morning I ask you, what awaits you after this life? If you were to pass from this world today who would greet you? Would you be greeted by God, your heavenly Father, or by God your just judge?
Let me close with these two verses of contrast, “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. and I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”