Greek Gods and Goddesses 1 Zeus was the king of all the gods. Zeus had two brothers; Poseidon and Hades. When their father ; Cronus died, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades divided the world up between themselves. Zeus took the sky, Poseidon took the sea, and Hades took the underworld. All three of them were happy with their decision.
Zeus 2 According to Greek myths, Zeus was the ruler of all gods. Zeus had two brothers and three sisters. Zeus had a jealous wife named Hera and he had lots of children. Zeus had more powers than everyone else. Zeus could sound like anybody and he could look like anybody.
Poseidon 3 Poseidon was the Olympian god of the sea, rivers, flood and drought, earthquakes, and horses. He had blue eyes and green hair. All Greeks built a temple to honor Poseidon. They did this because they were very afraid of him. Poseidon was very powerful. He could lift his hand and make a new Island.
Hades 4 Hades was the Greek god of the underworld and wealth. Hades had an invisible hat. He also had a golden chariot and he had his and his three-headed dog; Cerberus. Hades was not the god of death. His job was to rule the Underworld. Hades also stole his wife. His wife was Persephone goddess of Harvest.
Bibliography of Cited Works 5
Rubric Grading Rubric Each Page (including the homepage) should include: Different picture(s) on each page - 20 points Factual, relevant information in your own words on each page - 20 points At least one link related to the topic on each page - 20 points Bibliography with correct Noodle Tools formatting - 20 points Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation - 20 points Total Points 6