17 TH OCTOBER 2008 GROUP FEEDBACK Staff Development Day.


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Presentation transcript:

17 TH OCTOBER 2008 GROUP FEEDBACK Staff Development Day

Group Discussion Questions In what practical ways can our programme move towards more self-directed learning using the ideas discussed in Matty’s presentation? What can the Self-Access Centre offer: Me personally Our programme Our learners

Feedback – ALSS-Q1 -Heighted awareness of the different generations of the tutors and learners -Transmission/Transaction/Transformation slide -Most learners expect to be passive learners – a lot of pre-development work is required to make them independent -Tutors need to be upskilled on the 2.0 Web to be able to encourage learners e.g. Facebook -Parents need to be upskilled and aware of content etc

Feedback-ALSS-Q2 a)-You need dedicated long-term resources in order to have a well-resourced SAC -Tutors need to prepare themselves and be familiar with whatever they are using before learnings come in – esp knowing literacy levels of sites etc -Staff need a dedicated time built into their work schedule b)-Distance a problem-NB to encourage e.g. Moyross centre or a mobile model to allow access for all learners -Learners upskilled to access SAC while waiting for a class? c)-Tutorial given by SAC worker that would be highly participative

Feedback – Community Education-Q1 -Internet/Computer programs around visual means of learning e.g. Short film on fly-tying -No computers in the class to make use of technology -Resources-overhead projector makes it more visual -Texting would be a very useful tool -Personal safety around usage of e.g. BEBO -Process is NB – highlighting the need for more value to be placed on informal learning -Web-based forum for learners to interact

Feedback- Community Education-Q2 a)-Access to resources, e.g. photocopying, printing etc -Training for tutors in interactive technology b)-Improving the physical access to the building -Longer hours -Mobile unit to go out to communities -SAC helps progression and provides guidance -Would centre contact tutors to find out what types of courses suitable for the types of learners c)Tutor with laptops go to the community to encourage people to come in -Providing laptops for the community -Make centre a social gathering point to encourage people in -Communicate with tutors through Learn Local website -Better funding for equipment

Feedback – Prison Education-Q1 -Self-directed learning already in abundance -Learner in prison service is very different-learning needs to be relevant and effects immediate -A lot of learning involving prisoner peer teaching -Use of technology very high where relevant

Feedback- Prison Education-Q2 a)Accessing Internet, and online services, education websites to download information-no Internet access in prison b)N/A c)Resources, online content, useful centre to have in terms of time to drop in and also using the Internet as a tool for lifelong learning. You can’t be interesting unless you are interested yourself – in the learning process, the learners and self-improvement

Feedback – UpSkill-Q1 -Age groups & how they learn-how we need to change -Interactive Learning -Life Experience of our learners -Reflective practice is vital -Use same material but different classes -Need to move outside our own comfort zone -Issue of access,i.e. Broadband -Peer-to-peer learning

Feedback-UpSkill- Q2 a) - Use resources there to upskill ourselves e.g. Learn a new hobby or expand knowledge on our own expertise. -Upskill ourselves through using the centre...Join facebook?? b)-To promote/advertise the centre and its services. It’s not just computers in there. -Introduce learners on day one of course, make it part of the programme. -Support and empower learners in their own learning process (face group?) -Demistify and make accessible c)-Incorporate computer skills/literacy into UpSkill’s programme -Promote the programme (website..with tag) -Provides transferrable skills that give us a competitive edge e.g. Learning to learn

Feedback – VTOS-Q1 -Rapid changes in learning and access to information/knowledge resulting from the technological revolution between Personal willingness to engage with IT negates intergenerational differences. -Resonance of the presentation for adult education

Feedback-VTOS-Q2 a)-Supported environment where one can learn to use software and technology to upskill, prepare classwork et -By experiencing the breadth of opportunities of the self-access learning centre, you can promote self-directed learning b)-Will help to enhance their learning and allow them to experience how much you can learn outside the classroom/without a teacher by providing a well-equipped facility, particularly for those with no home access or facilities. c)-It should support the development of a culture of self-directed learning for staff and students -Centre can be used as an added attraction/unique selling point, i.e. Participation on VTOS = access to a self-access learning centre -The SAC could become the starting point on a progression route including VTOS

Feedback – Youthreach-Q1 -Lots of good teaching practice already happening -We need to be independent learners ourselves and need to reflect on the learning process in order to promote independent learning in our students -Need to blend the old with the new -Some subjects lend themselves better to independent learning

Feedback-Youthreach-Q.2 a) -Staff must make themselves aware of the resources as well as the SAC raising awareness -Helpful and supportive team -Induction training -Staff would like to review the subject-specific courses and be more familiar with them-and have a say in what is purchased etc -By using facilities, promotes culture of independent learning among staff b)-Concerns around learners, e.g. Child protection -An excellent space to promote independent learning for individual students- break-away from Teachers -Space would encourage students/learners to reflect on learning that is relevant and important to them -Good for YR learners to feel they have succeeded as independent learners(to self- reflect on their own success builds up self-esteem) c)- Enhances programme provision -Need to look at how our outreach centres will tap into this with ease