Touch Systems Data Entry
Post a good thing and make sure you have all words for the first 6 weeks in your EWW. Check Edmodo and add any words you don’t have. Remember: » Word » Picture » Use the word in a sentence Business – role, function, mission, or a particular field of endeavor (10 minutes)
use the correct touch- system techniques for operating the ten-key numeric pad Correct touch-systems technique will help improve speed and accuracy
Bell Ringer (7 minutes) Good Things (3 minutes) Objective Review (1 minute) Posture and Technique Review (2 minutes) Proofreading Lesson (15 – 20 minutes) Complete Numeric Keypad (Lessons 1-4) Complete Numeric Keypad Quiz in Edmodo Complete Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons 1-6 Check your grade on Focus and retake any quizzes that are below a 70 in Edmodo.
Sit up straight Feet flat on the floor Body centered in front of the computer Elbows naturally by side Fingers curved Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard Quick, snappy strokes
Quick down and in motion of the thumb Right pinky used for the enter key; other fingers remain on the home row Examine the number keys carefully to form a mental picture of the layout. Keep your eyes on the copy (what you are typing from, not the keyboard and your fingers) Place your fingers on the center of each key with the fingers slightly curved Strike keys firmly and release them quickly
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If shes giving us a hard time, she ll have to let us make up our own minds. 2. Things are going great here at leonard. 3. I think we are allready to get to work. 1A
Bell Ringer (7 minutes) Good Things (3 minutes) Objective Review (1 minute) Posture and Technique Review (2 minutes) Proofreading Lesson (15 minutes) Complete Numeric Keypad (Lessons 1-4) Complete Numeric Keypad Quiz in Edmodo Complete Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons 1-10 Check your grade on Focus and retake any quizzes that are below a 70 in Edmodo.
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If shes giving us a hard time, she ll have to let us make up our own minds. 2. Things are going great here at leonard. 3. I think we are allready to get to work. 1b
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If shes giving us a hard time, she ll have to let us make up our own minds. 2. Things are going great here at leonard. 3. I think we are allready to get to work. 2a
Bell Ringer (7 minutes) Good Things (3 minutes) Objective Review (1 minute) Posture and Technique Review (2 minutes) Proofreading Lesson (15-20 minutes Flipchart) Complete Numeric Keypad (Lessons 1-4) Complete Numeric Keypad Quiz in Edmodo Complete Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons 1-10 Check your grade on Focus and retake any quizzes that are below a 70 in Edmodo.
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If shes giving us a hard time, she ll have to let us make up our own minds. 2. Things are going great here at leonard. 3. I think we are allready to get to work. 2b
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If shes giving us a hard time, she ll have to let us make up our own minds. 2. Things are going great here at leonard. 3. I think we are allready to get to work. 5a
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If shes giving us a hard time, she ll have to let us make up our own minds. 2. Things are going great here at leonard. 3. I think we are allready to get to work. 4b
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If shes giving us a hard time, she ll have to let us make up our own minds. 2. Things are going great here at leonard. 3. I think we are allready to get to work.
Log on to Edmodo and put in your Good Thing and answer the question of the week. Read through the comments and comment on at least one answer. How are following procedures and having technical skills necessary in today’s business world? Add this word to your EWW Monitor – displays text and graphics on a screen
use the correct touch- system techniques for operating the alphabetic keyboard. Correct touch-systems technique will help improve speed and accuracy
Bell Ringer (5 minutes) Good Things (3 minutes) Objective Review (1 minute) Proofreading Lesson (15-20 minutes Flipchart) Complete Numeric Keypad Quiz in Edmodo Complete Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons 1-10 Check your grade on Focus and retake any quizzes that are below a 70 in Edmodo.
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If she’s isn’t giving us problems, she’s turning away customers. 2. Things are going great here in our Favorite classroom. 3. Those 2 are the only 1’s making noise. 1A
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If she’s isn’t giving us problems, she’s turning away customers. 2. Things are going great here in our Favorite classroom. 3. Those 2 are the only 1’s making noise. 2a
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If she’s isn’t giving us problems, she’s turning away customers. 2. Things are going great here in our Favorite classroom. 3. Those 2 are the only 1’s making noise. 5A
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If she’s isn’t giving us problems, she’s turning away customers. 2. Things are going great here in our Favorite classroom. 3. Those 2 are the only 1’s making noise. 1b
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If she’s isn’t giving us problems, she’s turning away customers. 2. Things are going great here in our Favorite classroom. 3. Those 2 are the only 1’s making noise. 2b
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If she’s isn’t giving us problems, she’s turning away customers. 2. Things are going great here in our Favorite classroom. 3. Those 2 are the only 1’s making noise. 4b
As soon as you get in, put your name and then type the sentences correctly in the space provided. No name = no grade. 1. If she’s isn’t giving us problems, she’s turning away customers. 2. Things are going great here in our Favorite classroom. 3. Those 2 are the only 1’s making noise. 6b
Log on to Edmodo and put in your Good Thing. Check your backpack and make sure you have submitted your final version (for the 6 weeks) of your EWW. Keyboard – a device with an arrangement of letter, figure, symbol, control, function, and editing keys and a numeric keypad
proofread and correct errors while typing Proofreading ensures accuracy, gives a good impression, and ensures the message is clear.
Bell Ringer (5 minutes) Good Things (3 minutes) Objective Review (1 minute) Proofreading Lesson (15-20 minutes) Complete Numeric Keypad Quiz in Edmodo Complete Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons 1-10 Check your grade on Focus and retake any quizzes that are below a 70 in Edmodo.
When you join, you must use your name so you can get a grade. Any names that I have to guess on will get a 0. Top 3 winners will get a prize.