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Click for movie Complete this activity and paste answers here!activity Complete this activity and paste answers here!activity 11 pts
Click me for animation Click me for animation Define Displacement in your own words Define Distance in your own words From the animation….. 2 pts
Go to the following website address: 2) Click the green Run Now! Box. It may take a while for it to load. It may also ask you to update or install the latest version of Java. Go ahead and do this if you know how otherwise ask your teacher for help. 3) Once it loads, use the mouse to slowly drag the man to the right as smoothly as you can until he reaches the wall. 4. Make sure the position vs. time graph is the only one open like this…. Reference point… 5. Our reference point is the starting point and will always be 0
Screenshot a picture of your position vs. time graph of a non-moving man Screenshot a picture of your position vs. time graph of a man moving at a constant negative velocity. Screenshot a picture of your position vs. time graph of a man moving at a constant positive velocity.
Make a horizontal position graph and screenshot Make a sloped up position graph and screenshot Make a sloped down position graph and screenshot
Graph ….. Following directions below Total Distance Moved… has to be positiveDisplacement and direction from reference point… can be negative or positive. 1. Move man half way to the pine tree, stop graph on the bottom and screenshot the moving portion of the graph.. Put over these words 2. Move man to the house… stop graph on bottom and screenshot the moving portion of the graph 3. Match this graph and screenshot over 9 pts
Write three science observations from slide Play this learning check and screenshot answers herelearning check Play this learning check and screenshot answers herelearning check 9 pts