OVERCOMING THE POP QUIZ! 2011 WILL BE FILLED WITH POP QUIZES OF LIFE! WE CAN NEVER CRAM FOR A POP QUIZ. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
OVERCOMING THE POP QUIZ! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE STUDY Psalms 1: We become rooted in our faith. 2.We bear fruit (Gal.5:22-23). 3.We become durable through life’s test. 4.We prosper. Joshua 1:8 1.We prosper 2.We have good success
OVERCOMING THE POP QUIZ! WHY STUDY? James 1: We study to do. -We don’t work to be saved; we work because we are saved. 2. We study to see where “WE” fall short. MIRRORWINDOW VS.
OVERCOMING THE POP QUIZ! THE BIG PICTURE 5 PURPOSES OF NT CHURCH 1.Evangelism 2.Worship 3.Fellowship 4.Discipleship -Saved people are converts; Discipleship requires study! 1.Ministry