Steering Committee, December , Venice WP3: Data validation and MSFD interaction EMODnet Chemistry Partner WP coordinator: ISPRA
QA/QC Questionnaire Partner’s logo On 10 th November 2015 a Reminder for QA/QC Questionnaire was requested again to all partners. To be sent by s to It consists of two separate files: Questionnaire QA_QC_May 2014.docx QA_QC_Questionnaire seawater_biota_sediment_May 2014.xlsx Such Questionnaire is intended to be a tool to collect information on QA/QC applied to parameters analysis and monitoring prior to data management process, so called ex-ante quality controls. Questionnaire should be filled by data producers or data providers that are directly responsible for data collection or monitoring. Steering Committee, December , Venice
QA/QC Questionnaires collection: current status Partner’s logo We received 19 questionnaires on a total of 41 data providers Not for all matrices there are data. Probably not all matrices are monitored? Very few data for Antifoulants, Pharmaceuticals, Heavy metals, Radionuclides, plastics Some problems with LOQ/LOD that will need to be checked General remark: what kind of difficulties arise to obtain QA/QC information? New reminder by will be directed only to partners that did not send Questionnaires Steering Committee, December , Venice
QA/QC and MSFD interactions: current status Partner’s logo QA/QC fundamental for Environmental Reporting on MSFD, EQSD with new priority substances, WFD. Point of discussion: interaction between EMODNet and WFD (Inventory of Priority Substances requested by EQS Directive) WG DIKE is involved mainly in next reporting on Programme of measures due by MS by march 2016 TG Data meetings have not been scheduled but it is still in the CIS Working Plan On monitoring data: EEA has proposed new information standards (INSPIRE and WISE compliant so far) for Inland and Groundwater EIONET/SOE but not for Coastal and Marine Water. For such waters MS are preparing monitoring data with old standards. Steering Committee, December , Venice
EQSD: new priority substances Partner’s logo Steering Committee, December , Venice
EQSD: pharmaceutical substances Partner’s logo Steering Committee, December , Venice