January – June 2012 Biannual Economic and Capacity Survey
Firm distribution based on Annual Turnover (based on responses received) Category by gross annual income % of firms 0 – R1,5m 15.2% R1,5m – R11,5m 50.0% > R11,5m 34.8% Total 100.0% Category by gross annual income % of firms 0 – R1,5m 14.7% R1,5m – R11,5m 54.7% > R11,5m 30.5% Total 100.0% July - December 2011January – June 2012
Profile of respondents – by firm size Based on full and part time employment
Economic Impact CESA Membership earnings % of GDP Source: RBQN, CESA BECS, Industry Insight
Fee earnings vs Gross Fixed Capital Formation Source: RBQN, CESA BECS, Industry Insight
Fee income, Rm Constant 2000 prices Annualised | Deflator = CPI Source: CESA BECS
Real Fee income, Rm 2000 prices Annual Change | Deflator = CPI Source: CESA BECS
CESA Confidence Index Source: CESA BECS
Industry Confidence Source: CESA BECS, BER
Real Fee income vs Industry confidence Deflated using CPI Source: CESA BECS
CESA Labour Cost Indicator Year on Year percentage change Source: CESA BECS
Employment vs REAL fee income (Deflated using the CPI & LCI) Source: CESA BECS CPI: Consumer price index LCI : Labour Cost Indicator
Employment vs Salary & Wage bill Source: CESA BECS
Discounting Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by Sub-disciplines: % Share June 2012 Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by Sub-disciplines: % Share Change in market share in the last 12 months Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by TOP THREE disciplines: R mill 2000 prices Annual average: 2002 – June 2012 Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by economic sector Percentage market share December 2010 – June 2012 Source: CESA BECS
Fee earnings by selected sector Smoothed |2 survey average Source: CESA BECS
Fee earnings by sector Rm Constant prices Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by key economic sectors June 2005 – June 2012 Source: CESA BECS
Provincial Market Share: June 2012 Vs change in market share from June 2011 GAIN market share Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by province High Capacity economies |TREND Annualised smoothed Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by province June 2005 – June 2012 | Rm constant prices Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by province June 2005 – June 2012 | Rm constant prices Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned (Constant 2000 prices) High Capacity vs lower capacity provincial economies |Smoothed 84% of fees were earned in high capacity provinces Source: CESA BECS
Provincial profile by economic sector where fee earnings >50% of total earnings CESA Biannual Economic and Capacity Survey December 2010
Fee income earned : RSA vs EX-RSA R mill, 2000 prices | Annualised, smoothed 88% of fees were earned in South Africa Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by type of client Percentage share as at January – June 2012 Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by type of client Percentage share Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by type of client R mill 2000 prices | Annualised, smoothed - avg over 2 survey periods Source: CESA BECS
Fee income earned by type of client Constant 2000 prices | Annualised, smoothed - average over 2 survey periods Source: CESA BECS
Competition in tendering Source: CESA BECS
Competition in tendering Source: CESA BECS
% of Firms wanting to increase staff New June 2005 survey Source: CESA BECS
Engineering Skills Shortfall Source: CESA BECS
Recruitment problems Source: CESA BECS Note: Data for December 2011 not available due to changes in questionnaire
Bursaries Percentage of Salary and Wage bill Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average
Bursaries R mill 2000 prices (Annualised) Source: CESA BECS
Training (Salaries and Direct Training Costs) Percentage of Payroll Data not available Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average
Training (Salaries and Direct Training Costs) Rand millions, Constant 2000 prices Data not available Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average
Training (Direct costs) Percentage of Payroll Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average
Training (Direct costs) Rand millions, Constant 2000 prices Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average
CESA Biannual Economic and Capacity Survey December 2010 Industry Capacity Utilisation Of existing technical staff
Total fee income outstanding for longer than 90 days Percentage of total fee income earned Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average
Escalation trends Year-on-Year Percentage Change CPI Basket Revised in January 2009 Forecasts based on headline consumer inflation (Industry Insight Economist Poll) Source: Industry Insight Economist Poll
Labour unit cost indicator Year-on-Year % Change (Smoothed) Source: CESA BECS
Labour unit cost indicator Annual Average Year-on-Year Percentage Change – check updates June 2012 Source: CESA BECS
Typical Employment Breakdown January – June 2012 Source: CESA BECS
Typical Employment profile as at June 2012 Total employment Source: CESA BECS SkillDec-12Jun-12% Change Administration % Prof Eng % Unreg Technician % Unreg Tech other % Unreg Eng % Tech Assistant % Draughts person % Unreg Technologist % Prof Other % Lab Assistant % Technologist % Technician % Prof Arch % Prof QS % Grand Total %
Employment profile based on sample of surveys received CESA Biannual Economic and Capacity Survey December 2010
Overall Employment Breakdown, by race June 2004 – June 2012
CESA Biannual Economic and Capacity Survey December 2010 Employment profile Black only (excluding Asian / Coloureds) representation of total employment % Share of total employment
Professional Indemnity Insurance Risk profile Source: CESA BECS
Equity Distribution by firm type Source: CESA BECS
Ownership / Equity: % Share of total employment PTY, CC & Partnerships Source: CESA BECS
Black Ownership & Equity: (including Asian and Coloured) % Share of total ownership / equity | PTY, CC & Partnerships African: Including black, coloured and asian Source: CESA BECS
African: Including black, coloured, asian Women contribution to ownership and equity % of total ownership / equity (PTY, CC and Partnerships) Source: CESA BECS
African (Black) ownership / equity as % of total ownership / equity by type of company | December 2008 – June 2012 African includes includes Black, Asian and Coloureds Source: CESA BECS
Quality Management System Source: CESA BECS
ISO 9001:2008 Certificate Source: CESA BECS
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