Gas Gas: is matter that does not have its own shape. Gases take the shape of whatever container they are in. Example: The air all around us is a gas.
We can change state of matter for any object either by heating or cooling. For example: – in summer, the water in river is warm. Being warm keeps water liquid. – In winter, the water in river is cold. Being very cold changes water(liquid) into ice (solids)
Heating can changes matter from one type to anther: – Solids ( ice) liquid (water) – Liquid (water) gas (water vapor)
Cooling change type of matter, also: – Liquid (water) solid (ice). – Gas (water vapor) liquid (water) Water cycle
When water boils, it changes into gas. This gas ( water vapor) is called steam.
Is this a solid, a liquid, or a gas? Can you find more than one type of matter in any of the pictures?