Downloading Procedures From the Web Importing Web Procedures Using ProEdit
Procedures are available for download from Online procedures have a ‘credit rating’ based on complexity / time to write Credits can be purchased from Transmille in blocks of 20 Credits are registered using ProEdit ProEdit controls the importing of procedures using a dedicated import Web Procedures function IMPORTING WEB PROCEDURES Overview
IMPORTING WEB PROCEDURES Adding Credits Credits are added on to the users computer using unlock codes : Start ProEdit Select Help Setup Web Service The displayed install ref. needs to be advised to Transmille. This can be sent using the Print Application form button on the screen.
IMPORTING WEB PROCEDURES Adding Credits (Cont’d) Enter the unlock code obtained form Transmille (in this example 20 Credits have been purchased) : Click OK and the following message is displayed : A new menu / toolbar item is enabled on the computer : It is possible to buy extra credits to ‘top up’ a computer The credits display is also updated :
Procedure files can be downloaded from Select one or more procedures by clicking the download link When you download a procedure, the dialog shown left will appear. Choose SAVE TO DISK and save the file to your computer. At this point there are no restrictions to the number of procedures you can download – the restriction will apply when you IMPORT WEB PROCEDURES using ProEdit. IMPORTING WEB PROCEDURES Getting Procedures From The Web Site Select an instrument section (eg. Digital multimeters) Select one or more procedures by clicking DOWNLOAD and saving to disc
Select Utilities Import Web Procedures IMPORTING WEB PROCEDURES Importing Downloaded Procedures Select the folder to import from (this can be a network drive, CD, etc.) Select the required procedures, or leave selection blank to import all files from the current folder If no selection is made a prompt will confirm all files should be imported If credits ‘run out’ during importing a message similar to this will be displayed Once a web procedure is imported, it can be viewed/edited using the normal functions.