Parenting the “Net Generation” What makes our kids “click”? Coquitlam SD 43 DPAC April 22, 2013 Wireless information Guest account User Name : SD43Guest Guest account Password : UaqxsK8m Profile name : SD43Guest Twitter Hash Tag #netgen43
Why does it matter? Turn to someone next to you and tell them why you are here tonight
Learning Intentions To gain a better understanding of our children and their needs. To examine our children’s use of technology. To increase our awareness of the potential dangers and challenges around technology use. To provide you support and resources to better understand these issues. To encourage practical, proactive strategies to support your children around healthy technology use.
Remember When… Life was a lot simpler when we were kids… Right???
The World has changed. For our children… They have never not known the Internet Information is free Communication is seamless They are wireless, yet always connected The 4 th Screen
The Fourth Screen
“Google” has always been a verb Text messaging is their e- mail They are never alone and… have rarely mailed anything using a stamp
What are their needs? Even though the world has changed dramatically, our kids “needs” remain the same.
Why do they go online/use technology? What need does it meet? Fun Independence Communication Connection Adventure Creation Sense of Belonging Risk Being heard Identity
The Places They Go?
THE CHALLENGES THEY FACE Inappropriate Social Bhvr. (Bullying) Emotional Abuse Privacy issues (Permanancy) Identity Theft Health problems (Obesity) Addiction Scams
We know what “WE” want for our children… SafetyBalanceHealthy screen time Digital Literacy Positive Social Networking Digital Responsibility …but how do we get there?
Generate expectations ( Proactive) Access - Where do you allow tech use in your home? Sites - What is appropriate for you and your values? Down time – How much is enough? Balance – What else do they need? Privacy controls – What are these??? Have the conversations and generate ownership WE need to parent…
Social Behaviour Facebook Settings
If you wouldn’t say it in person…
Parenting … Use Prompts ( YouTube videos, case- based scenarios, teachable moments ) Establish a response “plan” ( Reactive ) Logical consequences See issues as “Learning opportunities” Be available to “support not punish” Don’t risk driving the behaviour underground Preserve your relationship and attachment
Permanancy Snapchat
Think before you post…
SKILLS CHALLENGES Apathy Worry Anxiety Arousal FLOW Control Relaxation Boredom Addiction and Flow Theory Flow Theory - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Be Involved and connected… Get online… Communicate… Share… Interact… Play games… Watch… Create… Engage… …with THEM!
Contact information and Resources Dave Sands or Site Google: Connect and Protect wiki
Homework… 1.Visit my Wiki page and look at 3 different articles/videos. 2.Go online and establish 3 new accounts on web 2.0 tools (e.g. Facebook, Club Penguin, Youtube, ePets, Twitter, WebKins, etc.). 3.Talk to your child/ren about one or more of these tools.