Creating User Interfaces Government sites. Work session. Homework: Post comments on government sites, usability rules.
Rules vs Heuristics Notion that heuristic is a general rule that may have exceptions. Rules can be applied too strictly.
Your Government sites Who / what are the target audiences? What are the objectives? Think of specific question and try to get answer.
Government sites Information on / from new health care law Legislation Official town site
Budget Complex matter! US federal budget –Income: taxes, fees, interest –Expenses: military, defense entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, other) interest on the debt discretionary spending (small proportion!) Let's try this New York Times application to see how it does on a complex matter as a question of user interface view/deficits-graphic.html?ref=federalbudgetus view/deficits-graphic.html?ref=federalbudgetus
Homework Keep working on HTML5 project Post comments on government sites, usability rules, etc.