Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Professional Development Plain Local School Spring 2013 Cassandra Sponseller
View the video on the next slide to gain a deeper understanding of DOK The Cognitive Rigor Matrix referenced within the clip as well as ones specific to Math/Science and ELA are on the subsequent slides.
This clip was posted as a separate file in the Depth of Knowledge Folder our Curriculum Webpage
Math/Science Specific
ELA Specific
DOK in our New Assessments activity – id the DOK in each sample by citing evidence within SMARTER Balanced Prototypes Grade 3 Math Grade 4 Math Grade 5 Math Grade 6 Math Grade 7 Math Grade 8 Math SMARTER Balanced Prototypes Grade 3 ELA Grade 4 ELA Grade 5 ELA Grade 6 ELA Grade 7 ELA Grade 8 ELA
Plain Local & DOK Both our District Data Analysis Protocol and our Deconstruction of the Standards Process call for consideration of the DOK found within
Plain Local Deconstructing the Standards Docs Deconstruction - LA Deconstruction – Math Deconstruction – Science Deconstruction - Social Studies Deconstruction - Social Studies
Plain Local Data Analysis Protocol p.2
Cognitive Rigor & Some Implications for Assessment o Assessing only at highest DOK level will miss opps to know what students do & do not know – need a range; Use “high” DOK in selected/prioritized content o Performance assessments can offer varying levels of DOK embedded in larger, more complex task o Planned formative assessments - strategies and tools can focus on differing levels of DOK