Chapter 35 Branding, Packaging & Labeling
What is Branding? Brand A name, design, or symbol that identifies the products of a company or a group of companies –Often what sells the product
A brand can include… Brand Name - words/ group of words, letters or numbers, can be spoken Brand Mark - Symbol, design, or distinctive coloring/ lettering Trade name - identifies the company or a division of a company Trademark - a brand name, mark, character, or combo of these with legal protection – Registered trade mark symbol Corporate Symbol - a firm’s name logo, and/or trade character
Types of Brands National brand - –A.k.a. Manufacturer Brand- owed and initiated by manufacturers Private Brands - –Owned & initiated by wholesalers and retailers. Manufacturer names do not appear Generic Brand - –“No frills” products that don’t carry a brand name –Usually priced 30-50% lower than national and 10-15% lower than private
Branding Strategies The ways companies use brands to meet sales & company objectives Brand Extension - uses existing brand name for an improved or new product Brand Licensing - allowing another company to use a brand, mark etc. Co-Branding - combines one or more brands to increase customer loyalty & sales Mixed Brands - using all three at the same time, to maintain brand loyalty, increase product mix and reach new target markets
With a Partner… Branding activity –Using Internet & MS Word –Create Table in Word –Provide two examples of National brands
Packaging –The physical container or wrapping for a product –Size, shape, final appearance –Approx. 10% of final price
Functions of Packaging Promoting & Selling –Packaging & branding may determine success –May provide choice Define Product Identity –Prestige, convenience, status Provide Information –Directions, contents, nutritional info
Functions of Packaging Meeting Customer Needs –Varying sizes “Family packs” –Keep up with changing lifestyles Ensure safe use –Glass to plastic –Avoid tampering –Childproof Protect the Product –During shipping, storage, display
Clearly a Matter of Choice Read case Study –Page 468 Answer Questions 1-3 Discuss
Today's Packaging Issues Environmental Packaging –Less waste –Reusable, recyclable, Cause Packaging –Promote social/political issues Ben & jerry’s- rainforest, The Body Shop- Amnesty International –Risky
Labeling Label –An informational tag, wrapper, seal or imprinted message that is attached to a product –Used to inform customers about contents and use –Protects company from legal liability
Labeling Laws Used to prevent companies from misleading consumers Federal Nutrition Labeling & Education Act –Passed in 1994 by FDA –Universal & consistent information –How food fits into daily diet –Defines terms- light, fat free –Health warnings
Labeling Laws cont. Federal Trade Commission –Labeling Rules & Guidelines passed in 1972 –Care labels on textiles Washing, ironing, cleaning Defining
Environmental Terms Recycled Content –Proof about the amount of recycled material included Recyclable –Only if product/package can be reused as aw material for new product Ozone safe/friendly –Only if product contains no depleting chemicals Degradable/Biodegradable –Decompose to elements found in nature –In reasonably short period of time
Graphic Organizer Current Event Articles –Environmental Terms, Labeling Laws, Packaging Issues Think-Pair-Share Groups of three Create a Graphic Organizer for Chapter 35