Javascript ECMA Script
Scripting Languages Executed by an interpreter A program that reads & runs commands;advanced enough to be a lang Parsed when loaded - some do not even remember previous parsing Some convert code to an executable internal format for speed - still slow
The JavaScript Programming Language JavaScript Originally called LiveScript when introduced in Netscape Navigator In Navigator 2.0, name changed to JavaScript - a marketing deal with Sun JScript -Microsoft version of JavaScript
ECMAScript International, standardized version Both versions (JavaScript and JScript) conform to the standard Both have proprietary extensions JavaScript is™ but the popular name Focus of most textbooks
Client-side JavaScript Client-side Program runs on client (browser) Is also used in high-end software such as Adobe apps OSA extension for Scripting Mac Flash, Video Game Engines serverclient
Server-side JavaScript Server-side Program runs on server Proprietary to web server platform Next-to Dead in Use; some comebacks… multiple open source projects serverclient
Benefits Scripting languages boost productivity it is slow already, so have it work for you Good for gluing things together Duct Tape Programming Far less technical issues; PORTABLE