Report of Responsible Members (RM) Hildrun Otten-Balaccanu (DE), Hing-yim Mok (Hong Kong, CH), Dr G.Krishnakumar (IN), Tomoko Sakama (JP), Jan Rozema (NL), Somova Svetlana (RU), Fraser Cunningham (GB), Eric Freeman (US) ETMC-5, June 22, 2015, Geneva, Switzerland
Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS) Areas of Responsibility
Germany Area of responsibility: South Atlantic Ocean between 20°N and 90°S Service provided at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) –DWD also serves as one of two Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) CM Contributions from German VOS : DM-data supply by German fleet during 2012/01 and 2014/12 All data are checked by DWD-HQC and MQCS-6 QC software
Germany RM Activities: –164,341 observations collected within area of responsibility from 2012/01 – 2014/12 from 17 different CM
Germany Potential Roles in MCDS: –Delayed-mode Data Acquisition Centre (DAC) –Global Data Assembly Centre (GDAC) to combine data and metadata from all streams (delayed and real time) with Higher-level Quality Control (HQC) DWD is already a registered DCPC –Centre for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOC) To begin February 2012 Product development –Historical data (Data rescue project HISTOR): rescuing the existing data of the archives of Deutsche Seewarte –Delayed-mode data from German ships Development of high quality checking applications Processing of data Dissemination of high quality data and products for interdisciplinary use Mirroring facility of ICOADS data holdings contingent on the development of a CMOC-ICOADS
Hong Kong, China Area of responsibility: area bounded by the Equator and latitude 30°N, and longitudes 100°E and 120°E Service provided by the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) CM Contributions from (by year of observation): Year of observation Total ≤ Year of observation Total ≤ Year of observation Total ≤ Number of data sent in 2012: Number of data sent in 2013: Number of data sent in 2014:
Hong Kong, China RM Activities: –79,020 observations collected within area of responsibility from –2,229,424 total observations stored in HKO’s database (through 31/12/2014) Total
Hong Kong, China Potential Roles in MCDS –Delayed Mode DAC for area of responsibility Collect marine climate data Prepare marine climatological summaries - Explore feasabililty of GDAC role
India Area of responsibililty: Indian Ocean Area north of 15 o S bounded by the longitudes of 20 o E and 100 o E Service provided by India Meteorological Department (IMD) CM Contributions: –Distributed in IMMT2 format –Quality controlled using MQC software version 4 Year Number of submitted observations Q Q2--- Q Q4--
India Archive quarterly files from GCCs : Currently producing decadal marine climatological summaries – is in progress
India Potential Roles in MCDS –DAC for VOS data collected in area of responsibility –Upgrading to WMO Climate Data Management (CDM) Systems
Japan Area of responsibility: western North Pacific and its marginal seas Service provided by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) CM Contributions from by quarter: –Submitted to GCCs in IMMT-5 format and quality controlled using MQCS-7 standards JMA will continue efforts to increase the number of unmasked call signs in GCC delayed-mode submissions JanuaryAprilJulyOctoberTotal ,6332,6683,01516, ,5565,5352,40728,70314, ,0534,8183,6511,38710, ,7495, ,814
Japan Potential Roles in MCDS DAC for marine climate data
Netherlands Area of responsibility: Mediterranean, Southern Indian Ocean and the Australian waters Service provided by Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) CM Contributions : DateNumber of submitted observations Jan-20121,661 Apr ,093 Jul-20127,315 Oct , , ,181 Total426,510
Netherlands RM Activities: –Number of observations archived from area of responsibility, since 1854: Potential Roles in MCDS –Due to budget cutbacks in staff and finances, there are no active roles anticipated in the MCDS Responsible AreaNumber of observations Mediterranean4,250,482 Southern Indian Ocean2,261,027 Australian waters3,228,480 Total9,739,989
Russian Federation Service provided by the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center (RIHMI-WDC) Data is in the IMMT-3 format checked against MQCS-5 164,503 observations submitted to GCC in last 5 years CM Contributions :
Russian Federation CM Contributions : –1,414,845 observations provided to go GCCs Observations are currently provided to GCCs in IMMT3 format using MQC-5 qc software, with additional RIHMI-WDC qc applied
Russian Federation Spatial distribution of Russian observations submitted to the GCCs in last 5 years Potential Role in MCDS The Russian Federation is interested to play a role in the MCDS
UK Area of responsibility: North Atlantic Ocean Service provided by the UK Met Office –UK Met Office also serves as one of two Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) CM Contributions (Q1): Data are processed using Met Office quality control software in addition to the MQC software YearTotal Obs , , (Q1)14,366
UK RM Activities: –Receive data in IMMT4 and qc with MQCS-6 software and UK Met Office HQC software –Volume of data stored in the UK Met database for the RM’s area of responsibility:
UK Potential Roles in MCDS –Heavily involved in development of MCDS –Migrate role as CM to DAC –Migrate role as GCC to GDAC –Potential role as mirroring Centre for Marine- Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOC)
US Area of responsibility: Western Atlantic and Central/Eastern Pacific Oceans Service provided by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) CM Contributions (Q1-Q3): Observations submitted to GCCs in IMMT-4/5 format using MQCS-7 qc standards Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4Total
US RM Activities: –Archive quarterly files from GCCs containing observations made within and outside of the USA area of responsibility Potential MCDS Roles: –Consider migrating role of CM to DAC for US delayed-mode data –Consider role of DAC for real time GTS data –Continue to provide DAC service for the Voluntary Observing Ship Climate (VOSClim) fleet as needed/recommended by the JCOMM Ship Observation Team (SOT).