Welcome Back Minions Now we learn about… SOUND!!! (But first a small recap…)
Recap: What are waves? A wave is a disturbance that carries energy through matter and space. The matter through which waves move through is called a MEDIUM. It can be a solid, liquid or gas.
Mechanical Waves Waves that require a medium are called mechanical waves. Nearly all waves are mechanical waves. Ex: ocean waves, sound waves and seismic waves (earthquakes) Electromagnetic Waves are NOT mechanical waves, so they do not need a medium to travel through!
Characteristics of Sound Characteristics of sound –Pitch –Loudness Sound Level
Pitch – Description of how high or low the sound seems to a person. – This depends on the frequency of the sound wave.
Pitch Normal range of hearing – 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz Sounds below this range is called Infrasound. Sounds above this range is called Ultrasound.
Pitch Some other ranges…
PITCH Higher Frequency=Higher pitch Lower frequency= Lower pitch
Loudness – Perception of the energy of sound – 2 Factors Amount of energy to make the sound Distance from the source of the sound
Loudness Energy – Greater the energy, the louder the sound!
Loudness Distance – Intensity Closer to source = more intense As you move from source = less intense
LOUDNESS Greater Amplitude = Louder sound Smaller amplitude = softer sound
SOUND LEVEL A measurement of sound pressures (measured in Decibels (dB))
Sound Level Measuring loudness – Decibel How different level of sounds are measured and compared
Sound Level Here is a list of ranges…
Now the question you want answered… Is there a noise loud enough to kill a person? Link: