Medieval castles To consider why and where castles were built in Europe To know the main parts of a Motte and Bailey Castle
A B D C The king has given you permission to build your castle but you have a number of sites to choose from. A hilltop B forest clearing C near road/stream D marshland Which choices would you make and why? Move your castle to your choices and then write why you’ve made your choices. You have 2 choices to make. Move the castles, explain your choices, before viewing slide show. I chose site ABCD because ICT in History Where would I build my Castle? Pupil: Teacher:
The Motte (old French for clod of earth) The Bailey
The ditch the earth from the ditch was used to build the Motte The gateway If an enemy attacked it could be lifted or destroyed The village The Normans used the local people to build and supply the castle The Keep a wooden keep was the last line of defence The palisade A wooden fence used for defence