Topic: Applying the Steps to the Scientific Method Kerri Thomas Big Ideas: Scientific investigations involve collecting and recording evidence for explaining and making sense of the collected data. (inquiry) Accurate record keeping is essential for data analysis and credibility for the conclusion. (nature of science) In any particular environment, the growth and survival of organisms depend on the physical conditions. (life science)
Differentiating Instruction A few examples Memory: Describe and Identify steps to the Scientific Method Analytical: Compare plants growth (cm) the duration of the experiment. Creative: Design a plan to report experiment findings (poster, PowerPoint, written) Practical Outcomes: Apply the steps for the scientific method through experimentation.
National Board Certified Teachers Key Proposition #4: Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience Modeling what it means to be an educated person- I am planning to take all of the skills and knowledge I gained from writing my unit and apply it across all areas of the curriculum Familiar with and staying abreast with current issues, learning theories and instructional strategies- In each lesson, I have incorporated the ‘Successful Intelligences’ to meet the needs of ALL my students. In addition, students are introduced and encouraged to use online graphing as well as presenting their report using PowerPoint (technology). Critically examine their practice on a regular basis and incorporate new finding into their practice-Teaching my unit, as each lesson is introduced and practiced, I am aware that if my students are not understanding, I will need to make changes; I will be aware of this early on through formative assessments.