The Game Is On First Round Proposal Team Innovation Station Lyndsey Carter, Jacksonville NC Mount Olive College
Vision To help young people learn about and interact with global cultures in a fun and creative way, collaborate across borders, build international understanding and communication skills. To help young people learn about and interact with global cultures in a fun and creative way, collaborate across borders, build international understanding and communication skills.
The Plan…… So, how does our team plan on achieving this vision? Team Innovation Station has decided to tap into the digital, mobile market and take this challenge World Wide. Design a creative, yet educational, internet game (also able to be accessed through mobile devices) to incorporate fun and meaning. People will contribute their own culture, lifestyle, thoughts, and skills. This game can be compared to Sims or Second Life, but with a culture twist for others to learn by. We look forward to diving into this innovative adventure! So, how does our team plan on achieving this vision? Team Innovation Station has decided to tap into the digital, mobile market and take this challenge World Wide. Design a creative, yet educational, internet game (also able to be accessed through mobile devices) to incorporate fun and meaning. People will contribute their own culture, lifestyle, thoughts, and skills. This game can be compared to Sims or Second Life, but with a culture twist for others to learn by. We look forward to diving into this innovative adventure!
Words From the World… “The history of communication technologies is a road littered with wasted potential. Radio was once considered a breakthrough to provide simultaneous education and meaningful information on a mass scale. Safeguards for the public interest were slowly eroded as the radio and later television were turned into commercial endeavors. The Internet has followed this same pattern at a more rapid pace than its technological predecessors.” – Dr. Vana Prewitt, Mount Olive College “Simple is key! Use lots of colors and pictures. This is attractive!” – Kailyn Warpole, age 17 “Technology is the way, the truth, and the life….” – Teri Croft, age 48 “Games are creative ways to learn and grow. Combining culture and technology is right on point for success.” - Alicia Rangel, age 48 “Forums will allow people to post ideas and techniques in which people can learn from” – Michael Mitchell, age 29 “Cell phones and computers have almost replaced food and water, so if you can find a way to incorporate this into a creative learning environment, people will latch on because it’s a necessity” – Lisa Devanney, age 31
Our Un-Reachable! In an effort to join together different culture and lifestyles, Team Innovation Station thought our un-reachable person to contact should be none other then the humanitarian, Angelina Jolie. We would like to ask: - What types of Internet enabled activities do you think would help young people understand other cultures? - What have you seen or heard of that would help make this vision a reality?