REFLECTIVE ESSAY Photographs and images are one of the most helpful things when it comes to understanding and imagining both old and new ideas. They give a visual that allows the imagination to unleash and venture to new thoughts and have a higher comprehension of what is being written in the text. Many people are very visual thinkers and by having an image to compare with the text they are reading, they’re able to comprehend better. If we lived in a world where there were no pictures and only white sheets of paper with words and adjectives describing the things we saw, it would be incredibly hard to visualize in our minds what we were reading.
REFLECTIVE ESSAY Innovation is shaping the world we live in today and when you explore all the new and upcoming technology it allows you to see the amazing and sometimes not so amazing things innovation has to offer. Our society today revolves around technology and without it, many people truly would not know how to survive. This is a scary but true fact and we must study the way that technology and innovation impacts the world, as well as the individuals in it.
REFLECTIVE ESSAY I think that this specific topic was selected because in the modern day, creativity is taken out of most of what we do. In grade schools, teachers are being forced to teach cookie cutter curriculum that is not always the best way for each individual student to learn. Kids are taught to draw only inside of the lines as opposed to using their own creativity to make pictures of their own. Along with that, any child with any spark of imagination or creativity is prescribed with pills for “ADHD” or some other medical “problem.” By studying innovation and creativity it puts a little bit of that spark that has been stomped out of each student over the years in public school. It is also a very important concept moving forward in this world because technology is so overwhelming in the modern day and will continue to be that way. Researching this project and being able to see some of the work my peers have done really allowed me to see just how innovative our world is. Sometimes when school, homework, sports, and other activities take over your time, you forget to notice and appreciate the finer things.
REFLECTIVE ESSAY Although some people may not enjoy sports and athletics the way others do, you must look at these images with appreciation of more than what it is. The technology and innovation that is shown in some of these pictures is amazing. If you think about how twenty or thirty years ago a decent amount of this technology did not even exist but was merely an idea on a piece of paper, it is all pretty incredible. Sports are a big part of this world and can be more than just a game for many people, so the innovation of sports and athletics all together has a big impact on a lot of things such as entertainment and careers, not just sports in general.
REFLECTIVE ESSAY The pictures that were the closest to me were the USWNT photo of them beating Brazil and the double amputee Olympian. I can relate to the USWNT picture strongly because I play soccer and being a female athlete, I get to experience firsthand just how much men’s sports are favored over women’s. This Women’s World Cup changed that quite a bit because the success of that team brought a lot of attention to women’s sports, and soccer in particular. The other picture of the Olympian is all together just incredibly inspirational. For someone to go through so much trial and adversity and still come out as one of the best sprinters in the world having all odds against him is amazing. That picture just showed me that if you truly set your mind to something you will achieve it. The antigravity treadmill and Olympic sprinter were both the most helpful to understand innovation and creativity because both of these things pretty much blew my mind when I saw them.
REFLECTIVE ESSAY Analyzing these pictures helped me to really read into what these pictures portrayed on both a visual level as well as the deeper meanings of them. It really got me to think about each picture and what went into achieving the final product. The picture morphs made me use a little bit of a different point of view and create a completely different product than the picture I was first looking at. This was difficult for me because I am not someone who excels in art and creativity but it was good to do regardless. This whole process has helped me to look at images and other things in a whole new perspective. Instead of just seeing an image as it is, I can look at pictures and read deeper into them. This will help me a lot when analyzing text or doing future assignments.
Topic: Medical Innovation in Sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: entertaining Found Where: Wikipedia Found How: Online Why Select This Image? This picture is very shocking when you first see it because many people who lose limbs are wheelchair bound or are doing good to even walk with a prosthetic leg. This picture represents perfectly how the medical field has made huge steps in treatments and research because 20 years ago it never would have been possible for a double amputee to be running in an Olympic event. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This picture shows exactly how far medical research has come and how greatly it affects sports and athletics. No one would ever expect a double amputee to be walking let alone running. It is also very inspirational because when I look at him I think if a man without legs can run in the Olympics for his country then I can do just about anything I put my mind too. Why Do You State So? It portrays exactly how advanced medicine and treatment has become in the modern day and how greatly it affects everyone including athletes. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This picture relates because it shows how much innovation has changed sports and it is also a very inspirational and moving picture at the same time. OLYMPIC SPRINTER
TRACE OLYMPIC SPRINTER T(ext)- This document is a photograph of an Olympic sprinter from South Africa who is also a double amputee and has two prosthetic legs. This picture is shocking at first because many people have difficulty just walking after having both legs amputated, let alone sprinting…and in an Olympic event on top of that. R(eader)- Young, old, this picture is intended for people of all types. This doesn’t discriminate because no matter who is looking at this photo it is very inspirational and makes you think. A(uthor)-The photographer that took this picture is unknown but he took this picture to document such a historic moment. One hundred years ago no one would have ever thought that a man with no legs could run in the Olympics but with huge amounts of technological advances, this became possible and the photographer was there to capture it. C(onstraints)- The photographer probably had to have special privilege to be down in the middle of this event to take pictures like this. The audience looking at this picture may not know the story behind this picture and therefore does not understand to the full extent how inspirational and innovative this picture is. E(xigence)-There is no argument that goes along with this photograph
WHEEL CHAIR BASKETBALL Topic: Innovation In Sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: entertaining Found Where: Olympic site Found How: Online Why Select This Image? This picture portrays how with the help of medical technology and advanced wheelchairs, people are able to play sports even with disabilities. This is an inspirational picture because it is another of people who have damage to their lower extremities can still compete in Olympic events. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This picture shows that through medical research and advancements, people can still live relatively normal and completely happy lives. This is also very inspirational to anyone looking at it. Why Do You State So? This image shows that there are people who are in worse predicaments than yourself and still make the best out of it with help from innovation in medicine and technology. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This fits with the rest having a common theme of innovation and inspiration in athletics
MEDICAL MIRACLE: JACK HOFFMAN Topic: Innovation Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: entertaining/informative Found Where: ESPN Found How: ESPN sportscenter Why Select This Image? I thought this picture was innovative more because of the story behind the picture. This little boy, Jack Hoffman was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor and was supposed to die shortly after diagnoses. Medical technology has kept him alive and relatively healthy considering his circumstances. He is a huge Nebraska Cornhuskers fan and has become friends with many players on the team. During their spring game, they let Jack run a play in the final minutes of the game. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Medical innovation is incredibly underrated these days because miracles occur every day thanks to the new technology we have available which we often take for granted. This image just shows that a life has been prolonged and made enjoyable thanks to the amazing technology we have today in the medical field. Why Do You State So? Not too long ago Jack Hoffman probably would not have made it much longer after he was diagnosed with this brain tumor. Medicine has changed our world immensely. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This picture fits in with innovation and has been tied into the sports world
TRACE: JACK HOFFMAN T(ext)- This document is a photograph of a little boy named Jack Hoffman who is a huge Nebraska Cornhuskers fan and also has been diagnosed with an untreatable brain tumor. Through his treatment, he became friends with some of the Cornhuskers players and during their spring red-white game, they let him be a part of one play in the game. Jack ends up running it into the end zone for a touchdown. R(eader)- This photograph is geared towards all ages and genders. It is an inspirational story that can be enjoyed by everyone. A(uthor)-The photographer that took this works for ESPN. He was probably inspired by the story of Jack and wanted to make sure this moment was documented for all to see. He is a paid photographer for sporting events. C(onstraints)- If the audience does not know the background story to this picture then it may be a little confusing and they would not get the full effect unless they did know the story behind it all. E(xigence)-There is no argument that goes along with this photograph
USWNT Topic: Big moments in sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: Entertaining Found Where: Google Images Found How: USWNT pictures Why Select This Image? This picture is incredibly inspirational and innovational because this was the World Cup where the USWNT started to get a lot of attention and publicity for the first time in a long time. The women’s side of sports does not get much attention but this run at the world cup changed that for the USWNT. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This photo is innovative in the women’s side of the athletic world. This is one of the first times that women’s sports were shown on TV consistently and they were supported by more than just a small population. Why Do You State So? This is one of the big moments changing how people perceive women’s sports and the success in this 2012 world cup gained a lot of peoples respect for the USWNT. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This fits with the theme of sports and innovation that has changed the game.
PRESSURE ON ATHLETES Topic: Innovation of Sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: entertaining Found Where: Found How: Google Why Select This Image? I chose this image because the first thing I thought about when I saw this was how competitive every sport is becoming these days. Someone who was considered a great athlete many years ago may not compare to the great athletes we have today. A lot of this is contributed to the huge amounts of technology and research that goes into making people into the best athletes possible. Along with this there are many different steroids and possibly even genetic modification coming in the near future to create the “ideal athletes.” What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Through times where technology and research get better and we learn more about what creates success in athletes, the sports themselves get more and more competitive and harder to be successful in. Innovation has morphed our idea of what a “great athlete” is. This isn’t necessarily a good thing either. Why Do You State So? The dramatic effects on peoples bodies that makes athletes even better can also be detrimental to their health and well being. For example the NFL has been experiencing a major problem with concussions now a days because players are bigger, faster, and stronger than ever before. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image ties in with the sports theme but represents more of how competitive sports are becoming these days.
ANTIGRAVITY TREADMILL Topic: Innovation in sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: informative Found Where: Sport Techie Found How: Google Why Select This Image? I selected this image because this is a perfect example of new technology that helps to get athletes back onto the field in a more effective manner. This is a treadmill that can create generate an antigravity effect for athletes in rehab. This is significantly easier on their joints, muscles, etc. and can be crucial to rehabilitation. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This is a huge step for sports rehab because it allows athletes to workout in earlier stages of rehab without having so much pressure on their area of injury. Why Do You State So? Not too long ago these did not exist and rehab for athletes can take up to months but with this new technology there should be an improvement in rehabilitation success. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image follows my sports innovation theme and how technology has impacted the world of sports.
HEART RATE MONITOR Topic: Innovation in Sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: informative Found Where: Wishfit Found How: Google Why Select This Image? I selected this image because this is a piece of technology that helps not only in weight loss and fitness but in sports as well. This heart monitor can tell a person’s heart rate, speed, distance, etc. and it is very effective for athletes to wear to track their progress. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? As athlete are being pushed to be bigger, stronger, and faster athletes, technology like this will prove to be very beneficial in this process. Why Do You State So? Years ago this kind of technology didn’t exists and coaches and trainers could only make an educated guess on some of the things this heart monitor can tell precisely. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image goes along with how sports are being innovated in the modern day.
GO PRO Topic: Innovation in sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: entertaining/informative Found Where: Online Found How: Google Why Select This Image? I chose this image because of the little camera that is being worn on this skiers head. These cameras or Go Pro’s are fairly new technology that is used to record mostly runs of snowboarders, skiers, skydivers, etc. These have given us a new view of what is really experienced without really having to do the activity ourselves. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This camera is newer technology that didn’t exist years ago and is now very popular among many sports. Why Do You State So? Technology is always changing and this is an advanced version of a camera, used to film athletic activities. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image stays consistent with my theme of athletics
INNOVATION OF ATHLETIC GEAR Topic: Innovation in Sports Image Sub-Genre: photograph Mode: informative Found Where: online Found How: Google Why Select This Image? I selected this image because the gear that athletes wear is something that is changing very quickly in the modern day. The gear is created to be lightweight, durable, and comfortable along with many other aspects. These cleats in particular come with a microchip that you can program to track your progress on the field. It will show the distance you ran at what speeds along with how many steps were taken and other data as well. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This states a lot about innovation because this technology is relatively new and is important for many athletes to track their performance. It creates an accurate depiction of their work rate and progress throughout training or games. Why Do You State So? This technology did not exist years ago and with newer technology, athletes are able to become better and more successful. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image follows my theme of innovation in the sports world and how that affects athletes.
LANCE ARMSTRONG Topic: Innovation in sports Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): photograph Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): entertaining Found Where: Business Insider Found How: Google Why Select This Image? I chose this image because it concerns a very different kind of innovation rather than the typical computer technology. Lance Armstrong was convicted of blood doping with is a new type of “steroid” that allowed him to win 7 Tour De France titles. Steroids have become a huge problem in sports and with new technology, people are able to come up with ways to slip past drug tests. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This is one of the bad things that has come from innovation because it allows athletes to cheat their way to winning titles and being the best athletes in the game. Why Do You State So? Not all innovation is good and this is definitely a huge problem within the sports world. Lance Armstrong’s recent conviction has shed a light on this problem but it does not only exist in the sport of cycling. How Does This Image Fit With The Others In Your Collection (if at all)? This image follows my theme of innovation in sports and how it has affected the way sports are managed and controlled now a days.
WORDLE Bibliographic Citation: Topic: Innovation of sports Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): word art Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive Found Where: worlde Found How: I made it Why Select This Image? I chose to do a wordle because there are many words that can encompass the photograph of the Olympic sprinter with no legs. At first glance you are shocked because no one would ever expect a double amputee to be an Olympic athlete. I created this wordle to express all the thoughts that went through my head when I first saw this picture. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? Many of the words in the wordle I created were intertwined with innovation and inspiration because those were many of the first thoughts I had when I saw this image. Why Do You State So? This sprinter would never have been successful without the leaps that medical technology has made in the past several years. This alone portrays some of the best outcomes of innovation there is.
WORD SEARCH Bibliographic Citation: Topic: Innovation of sports Image Sub-Genre (chart, graphic, diagram, cartoon, photograph, etc.): word art Mode (informative, persuasive, argumentative, expressive/entertaining): expressive/entertaining Found Where: worlde Found How: I made it Why Select This Image? I decided to make a word search as a different way to express the words that first came into my head when I saw this photograph. What Does This Image State About Innovation, etc.? This word search portrays all the words that describe the photo of the USWNT winning the game against Brazil in the last world cup because this was a huge step forward for women’s soccer and their fans. Why Do You State So? This encompasses all the things I thought of as I saw this image because this moment was huge in the USWNT’s history.
WORKS SITED Kobe Is Defying Gravity and Rehabbing with AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill. Digital image. SportTechie. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb Presse, Agence France. LANCE ARMSTRONG: 'It's Impossible To Win The Tour De France Without Doping' Digital image. Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 28 June Web. 26 Feb Oscar Pistorius. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 02 June Web. 09 Feb Services, News. "Special Moment in Spring scrimmage." ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, 07 Apr Web. 09 Feb Simmons, Joe. "BULL CITY STATE OF MIND." Home. N.p., 24 Feb Web. 09 Feb Smaller, Lighter, Mightier Still. Digital image. HERO3 Black Edition. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb Technology in Sports. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb U.S. Women World Cup Action. Digital image. Japan 2, U.S. 2 (3-1 PKs). Sports Illustrated, n.d. Web. 09 Feb Wheelchair Basketball. Digital image. International Paralympic Committee. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb Wishfit. Digital image. Wishfit. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb