Complementarity & Synergy Thomas Aigner (ICARUS) Basic principles for archives in the digital era
Some basic considerations …
Digital Stone Age …
Freedom for Information!
Consequences …
X Abolition of the traditional One Way Former customers become partners!
Make use of the power of the crowd! Alternative partnerships…
Only open data enable an added avlue! Don´t miss the power of the „open“ – use it!
Basic principles …
Webpresence of archives online accessibility of archival fonds digital processing of fonds involvement of users as partners organisation of financial and human resources lucration of third-party- funds Development and integration of standards publicity and public relations
Ressources Experience Knowledge Expertise
ICA APE National archive administrations Standards Strategies complementary actions EU Complementarity
Matricula Monasterium
Austria - St. Pölten - Linz - Vienna Germany - Passau -Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland -Evangelische Kirche in Kurhessen-Waldeck -Evangelisches Zentralarchiv in Berlin 1100 parishes app. 4,3 million pages app volumes
Type of book time period signature Opens the book parishes diocese country
more than 100 partner institutions from 11 countries 458 archival fonds more than charters digital images online
Opening of the building site... Opening of the building site...
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