The Parthenone
27 September 1687
The Old Parthenon? 6thC BC
The New Parthenon c490 BC
We can do better. Doric-Ionic vs Doric. Octostyle (cf hexastyle Temple of Zeus). Hexastyle prostyle vs distyle in antis. 92 decorated metopes (cf 12) x 69.5 m (cf 27.7 x 64.1m). Marble (cf shell limestone). Narrow pteroma and wide cella vs wide pteroma and narrow cella. Thinner shafts vs thicker.
Historical Background Temple of Athene Parthenos. Iktinos & Kalikrates architects. 447/446 – 438 BC. Doric-Ionic. 8 x 17. Instigated by Pericles. First part of Arcopolis building programme.
Interior How is an impression of awe created?
Normalies Entasis. Golden proportions. Metopes. Doric columns. Drum shafts. Can’t talk.
Abnormalies Thorough use of entasis. Ionic frieze on cella. 4 columns in Opisthodomos. Extra Large Opisthodomos (treasury!) First use of plastic.