MARGARET THATCHER By Laura R. ( Use your full name.) B2/B6
BBorn: October 13, 1925 SShe was the daughter of a local business man in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. MMargaret Roberts was her maiden name until she married her husband Denis Thatcher. SShe was introduced to politics by her father who was a member of the town’s council. LIFE BEFORE FAME
When she was in her mid-twenties she ran as the conservative candidate for the strong labour seat at Dartford but lost. She spoke easily. And when she spoke she spoke with force and confidence. She had no difficulty hearing from any audience. HOW SHE BECAME FAMOUS
She was middle class, trying to break into an upper class profession. She was a woman, trying to break into a male-dominated profession. Her coworkers mocked and insulted her -- because she was a woman She faced financial and military crises while she was Prime Minister. OBSTACLES
She was Prime minister of England for about 3 terms She was a loving mother and wife. She never gave up She fought for the Falkland Islands MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS
She was married to Dennis Thatcher. They Married in 1951 They had twins Mark and Carol. The Twins were born in PERSONAL LIFE
She was named the Iron Lady She served prime minister for England from 1979 to 1990 She went to Oxford University She studied Chemistry at Oxford She had a movie made about her life called the “Iron Lady” OTHER INTERESTING INFORMATION
BIBLIOGRAPHY "Margaret Thatcher Foundation *." Margaret Thatcher Foundation *. Margaret Thatcher Foundation, n.d. Web. 16 May "Margaret Thatcher Biography Margaret Thatcher Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -" Bio. True Story Famous Biographies & TV Shows - A&E television network, n.d. Web. 16 May "Margaret Thatcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia, 15 May Web. 16 May