1. Who wrote The Divine Comedy? A. MachiavelliB. Shakespeare C. Dante D. Cosimo de’Medici Borrowed from Mrs. Valenti’s World History Class Saddleback Valley, CA Thanks Mrs. Valenti!
2. Which statement is NOT true about The Divine Comedy? B. It is a story about a journey through the afterlife. C. It compared the afterlife to life in Italian society. D. It was written in Latin. A. It was written by Dante.
3. Who was the intended audience of Machiavelli’s book The Prince? A. DanteB. the wealthy C. commonersD. rulers
4. Who financially supported the artists so they could afford to do their work? B. the artists sold their work to make money. C. the local governments D. the wealthy citizens of the cities and churches. A. the YMCA
5. Botticelli painted this masterpiece, which is entitled B. The Pieta C. The Birth of Venus D. The Mona Lisa A. The Princess
6. Which famous artist from Venice painted scenes from classical myths? B. Michelangelo C. da Vinci D. Boticelli A. Titian
7.Which statement is NOT true? B. Michelangelo’s designed the dome of St. Peters Bascilla.. C. Michelangelo painted The Last Supper. D. Michelangelo's Pietà shows Jesus’ mother, Mary, as a young woman.Pietà A. Michelangelo’s David portrays David right before his battle with Goliath. Pieta St. Peters Basicilia, in the Vatican
8. Michelangelo was famous for being all of the following, EXCEPT … C. an architect. D. a sculptor. A. a painter. B. a musician.
9. Which da Vinci work is considered his greatest achievement? B. The Last Supper C. The Vituvian Mian D. David A. The Mona Lisa
10. Da Vinci was considered a great master in each area below, EXCEPT as a B. engineer. C. writer. D. inventor. A. painter.
11. Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man is a study of the human body, linking art and science. This drawing has come to represent the ideas of __.Vitruvian Man C. religion D. renaissance A. perspective B. humanism
12. Renaissance scholars believed that ____ was the key to unlocking the universe. B. literature C. math D. astronomy A. religion
13. What did northern scholars of the Renaissance consider most important? B. the history of artists C. the history of human kind D. the history of Christianity A. the history of Judaism
Answers (Select below to see answers.) 1. C-Dante 2. D-He wrote it in vernacular Italian. 3. D-It is written as a book of “advice” for someone who wants to be a strong ruler. 4. D-It was considered really cool to pay for a great work of art. 5. C-She’s being born out of the seashell 6. A-Titian (Pronounced “Tee-shen”) 7. C-Da Vinici painted The Last Supper 8. B-He was NOT a musician 9. A-The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world 10. B- Da Vinci was not a writer 11. B- The linking of the human and the holy is known as Humanism 12. C-Math. Most thinkers today believe the same thing! 13. D-These thinkers focused on Christianity