INTRODUCTION_ BENEFITS_ SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION_ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS_ MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES_ TECHNICAL PROPERTIES_ Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
INTRODUCTION_ Sports and other regular physical exercise offer numerous benefits to the human body However, an important factor that can substantially influence the benefits of a workout is the environment (including the surface of the gym hall or the playground) where this activity takes place - the result is a more comfortable environment Due to specialised design in combination with integrated foam backing, Sport Supreme efficiently protects athletes’ joints and cartilages during sports, training, game and competition The patented TECH Surface™ top layer ensures durability and easy maintenance of the floor covering Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
BENEFITS_ Indentation resistance of 0.03mm Unique PUR Pearl™ surface treatment, ensuring remarkable stain resistance Easy maintenance Chemical and scuff resistant Meet the class T requirement of EN for abrasion resistance Slip resistance of R10 Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
RANGES_ETERNAL ORIGINAL Wood Concrete Smaragd RANGES_ETERNAL DESIGN Colour Material Wood Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION_SHEETING Supply and fix 2.0mm thick x 2.0m wide Eternal heterogeneous vinyl sheeting with PUR Pearl™ surface treatment, manufactured in accordance with EN 649 and laid in FloorworX No. 62 acrylic adhesive which has been spread using a trowel fitted with an A2 notched blade at a rate of between 5.5m2 and 6.5m2 per litre on a previously prepared Class 1 sub-floor in accordance with SANS 10070, using FloorworX Self Leveller when required, including all cutting and waste The sheeting must be rolled in both directions with an articulated 68kg three-sectional roller immediately after it has been laid into the adhesive Joins must be butted, grooved and heat welded using FloorworX Welding Rod, ensuring that the welding rod bonds to more than 70% of the sheet thickness Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
WARRANTY_ FloorworX offers a 5 year limited warranty, subject to our terms and conditions, against defective material provided that it is installed and maintained in accordance with our recommendations Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS_ Eternal should be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations Training Centre is available for installation training to installers SUB-FLOOR_ Sub-floors must be smooth, hard, clean, and dry before laying commences The final appearance and durability of any resilient flooring installation depends largely on the condition of the surface upon which it is laid A good sub-floor is vital in achieving a satisfactory adhesive bond and long-term durability Uneven, solid or suspended timber floors may need preparation to meet the required standard Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
SUB-FLOOR_ All sub-floors must be tested for moisture content prior to installation To prevent problems associated with rising damp - it is essential that a damp- proof membrane be incorporated beneath the sub-floor The South African Standard Building Regulations require that all sub-floors in contact with the ground are so constructed as to be damp-proof Water is an integral part of the construction of a sub-floor - the amount of water used depends on the type of sub-floor, the required structural strength and the extent of curing It is impossible to state a time period after which a sub-floor may be considered dry enough upon which to lay flooring - factors such as ambient temperature, relative humidity, thickness of the slab, type of finish required and methods used to cure the concrete, will affect this period There are various methods of testing the moisture content within the sub-floor, which includes the use of a Hygrometer – the most practical and accurate instrument Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
CLIMATIZATION_ Sarlon Compact must be allowed to relax for 24 hours in a uniform room temperature between 18°C and 27°C prior to installation ADHESIVE_ The recommended adhesive for Eternal is FloorworX No. 62 acrylic adhesive Adhesive to be spread using a trowel fitted with an A2 notched blade at a rate of between 5.5m2 and 6.5m2 per litre POST INSTALLATION_ It is essential that during the course of installation the material be rolled in both directions with an articulated 68kg three section metal floor roller Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
MAINTENANCE_PREVENTIVE CARE Approximately 80% of the dirt and soiling that has to be cleaned off a floor has been trafficked in from outside the building. More than 90% of that soiling can be avoided by the use of an effective entrance matting system When less dirt is trafficked through the entrance there will be a reduction in maintenance requirements. Regular cleaning is more cost-effective and hygienic than occasional heavy duty cleaning Wipe up any grease and oil spills immediately and treat stains as soon as they are observed Black rubber wheels and rubber furniture feet can discolour the floorcovering - hard plastic is preferred Always follow the manufacturer’s dosage instructions regarding the use of cleaning chemicals Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
MAINTENANCE_POST INSTALLATION SITE CLEAN Floor maintenance begins immediately after the completion of installation The initial step is to remove any loose dirt or debris using a dry mop, broom or vacuum Sand, construction debris and sharp-edged objects may result in irreparable damage being inflicted to the new floor. Remove any visible adhesive residue using a damp cloth, once the adhesive has cured it will be difficult to remove If other trades are working in the building after the installation of the flooring, the floor must be protected from subsequent damage by the use of thick paper, cardboard or hard board. No wet maintenance must take place until 72 hours (3 days) have elapsed from the time of installation - this is to ensure that the adhesive has sufficient time to cure properly and develop full bond strength Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
MAINTENANCE_INITIAL CLEAN Dust mop or vacuum the floor to remove loose soil and dust Scrub the floor using a solution of FloorworX Maintain diluted 1:10 with clean water, with a rotary machine fitted with a blue pad Remove the residue immediately after scrubbing using a wet/dry vacuum Rinse with clean water using a flat mop and allow the floor to dry Dry buff the floor using a rotary or high speed machine fitted with a white pad For higher traffic areas, apply FloorworX Spray Buff in a fine stream or mist onto the floor in front of a rotary machine fitted with a red pad and work in until dry FloorworX Spray Buff applied in this manner at the rate of 600m2 per litre assists in maintaining a smooth surface and constant level of gloss Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
MAINTENANCE_REGULAR CLEANING Dust mop with flat mop or vacuum on a daily basis to remove dust and loose dirt Treat spills, spots and stains immediately Spot clean by hand with a red or white pad and a diluted solution of FloorworX Maintain, working from the outside of the mark to its centre Dry buff or spray buff periodically, as described in 4.1 Initial Clean above The frequency of dry buffing or spray buffing is dependent on the amount of foot traffic and the effectiveness of the daily cleaning regime Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
MAINTENANCE_PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Scrub the floor using a solution of FloorworX Maintain diluted 1:10 with clean water, with a rotary machine fitted with a blue pad Remove the residue immediately after scrubbing using a wet/dry vacuum Rinse with clean water using a flat mop and allow the floor to dry Dry buff the floor using a rotary or high speed machine fitted with a white pad For higher traffic areas, apply FloorworX Spray Buff in a fine stream or mist onto the floor in front of a rotary machine fitted with a red pad and work in until dry FloorworX Spray Buff applied in this manner at the rate of 600m2 per litre assists in maintaining a smooth surface and constant level of gloss Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
TECHNICAL PROPERTIES_ Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
TECHNICAL PROPERTIES_ Sport Supreme Vinyl Sheeting Sport Supreme is a point elastic sport flooring, fully compliant with the requirements of EN Along with excellent functionality, it is renowned for optimal slip resistance which helps to prevent accidents caused by either a too low, or a too high coefficient of friction.
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