Humility is conquering pride! What is pride? Showing off who you are and what you have Belief in self/misplaced confidence Exalting self or one’s attributes or achievement. Its self-advertisement Thinking you are indispensable Trying to prove a point!
Pride vs Humility Pride comes before a fall! (Proverbs 16:18) Humility is learning to swallow your pride regularly (Its non-fattening!)
Humility is… Acknowledging dependence on and need for God Having a realistic view of self and one’s own Meekness, modesty, power under control Holding others in high esteem It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. St Augustine Humility to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors, nobleness! – Benjamin Franklin
Philippians 2: Other-centered (v3, 4) 2.Serve those below you (v. 6-8) 3.Obey (v 8)
The Way Up is Down!
Week of Humility Do an act of service at home and at work to someone ranked lower than you.