Clinical Effectiveness Of Contrast Sensitivity Function In Patients With Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) And Ocular Hypertension (OHT ) MOUSUMI SAIKIA MOUSUMI SAIKIA M.Optom, B.Optom M.Optom, B.Optom Chandraprabha Eye Hospital Chandraprabha Eye Hospital Consulting Optometrist, Consulting Optometrist, Orthoptics, Contact Lens & Low Vision Department Orthoptics, Contact Lens & Low Vision Department Academic In charge- Ridley College Of Optometry Academic In charge- Ridley College Of Optometry Under Guidance of DR. DR. VIDYA CHELERKAR MS, DNB
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES PURPOSE To investigate the correlation between visual acuity, visual fields and contrast sensitivity in patients with primary open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension OBJECTIVES To assess the contrast sensitivity and visual acuity To assess the retinal sensitivity in patients with glaucoma by visual field testing To find out the relation of contrast sensitivity and mean deviation of the visual field in patients with glaucoma
SUBJECTS: one twenty two (122) eyes of sixty one (61) patients Study Design: Prospective, single centered, comparative and hospital based study Place of Study: H.V.Desai Eye hospital Hadapsar, Pune; India Duration: 6 months –August 2010 to January 2011
GLAUCOMA OPD GENERAL OPD POAG IOP > 21 mm of hg; C: D > 0.5; visual field defect POAG IOP > 21 mm of hg; C: D > 0.5; visual field defect OHT IOP > 21 mm of hg with no other signs OHT IOP > 21 mm of hg with no other signs NORMAL PATIENTS Vision-refraction unit Slit lamp evaluation IOP evaluation Gonioscopy Contrast sensitivity Visual field test Fundus Examination pachymetry
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS All the data were evaluated and analyzed, using Microsoft excel and descriptive statistical tool (Regression analysis) for statistical analysis to determine the P-value to compares between the variables: -Correlation between visual acuity(VA) and contrast sensitivity(CS) in all groups -Correlation between contrast sensitivity(CS) and Mean Deviation(MD) in all groups By using 2 independent sample t-test Contrast sensitivity(CS) in respect to all 3 groups
Graphical representation of mean Contrast Sensitivity in control, Ocular Hypertension (OHT) and POAG. Correlation between Contrast Sensitivity (CS) and Mean Deviation (MD) :all patients (n= 61) (number of eyes = 122)
CONCLUSION A positive correlation between decreases in contrast sensitivity as measured by the Pelli-Robson chart and the amount of visual field loss as indicated by the mean deviation Contrast sensitivity test must be made as a mandatory routine investigation for glaucoma diagnosis before undergoing visual field test