H - 1 Russians Have Consolidated Control Over Lithuania - Small Pockets of Resistance Russians Have Consolidated Control Over Lithuania - Small Pockets of Resistance
H - 2 Russians have said they will hold new elections within two months. All citizens will have a voice. Announcement from Vilnius that Lithuania wants to continue its role as a responsible participant in NATO’s Partnership for Peace Program.
H - 3 Demonstrations and Some Violence Continues in Other Baltic States Two Businessmen Shot in Tallin, Estonia
H - 4 Poland Kaliningrad Russians Established Defensive Positions Along the River Line Defensive Positions Polish Forces Elbiag Bialystok... Narew River Pisa River 25 km
H - 5 Ukrainians have said they will hold new elections within two months. All citizens will have a voice. Proposing conference to address all Central European minorities issues.
H - 6 St. Petersburg Main Line of Communications Lithuania Estonia Latvia XX Russians moved two divisions of Ministry of the Interior to Protect Line of Communications
H - 7 Poland Kaliningrad Russians Moving Forces Out of Poland Polish Forces 12 May