SDR/EDR Overview Template Name of the Product: (SDR/EDR) Product Contributors: (SDR/EDR) Team Date: August xx, 2015
Outline SNPP/JPSS-1 Instrument Overview (1 slide, optional for EDRs) Algorithm Cal/Val Team Members (1 slide) S-NPP Product Overview (2 slides) JPSS-1 Readiness (5 slides) Summary and Path Forward (2 slides) 2
Instrument Overview Instrument specifications (e.g. orbital swath/coverage, channels, radiometric specifications, spatial resolution 3
Algorithm Cal/Val Team Members 4 PIOrganizationTeam MembersRoles and Responsibilities
S-NPP Product Overview List of Product(s) and L1RD Requirements Table(s) Products being generated from IDPS or ESPC/NDE? S-NPP Cal/Val Status Accomplishments Any Products Deficiencies LTM: Monitoring Tools/W ebsite links for the data product(s) 5
JPSS-1 Readiness J1 Algorithm Summary o Major changes to the product algorithm(s)/Improvements: Diagram/flowchart where major algorithm changes are highlighted for J1 J1 Cal/Val Overview o Timelines for Beta, Provisional and Validated Maturity o Pre-Launch Calibration/Validation Plans o Post-Launch Calibration/Validation Plans Major Accomplishments and Highlights Moving Towards J1 Issues/Mitigation Stake Holder Interactions, Users and Impact Assessment Plans o List of Users/Stake Holders, include: o How the products are being used by the users o User Impact Assessment 6
Summary & Path Forward Summary Path Forward FY16 Milestones J2 and Beyond: Future Improvements 7